Gap Analysis - Global Communications
By: Edward • Essay • 951 Words • December 3, 2009 • 1,147 Views
Essay title: Gap Analysis - Global Communications
Gap Analysis: Global Communications
Global Communications must cut cost and meet the needs of an expanding market in order to compete with others in its industry.
While doing this they must take into account their employees and how this will affect them. Global communications has been known for their philosophy “Our Edge Is People”. They need to continue with this philosophy while coming up with a solution. These are problems which if handled properly, can be turned into opportunity for the company. When solving a problem you must look at the total picture because sometimes when solving problems you create other problems with the solution taken.
Situation Analysis
Issue and Opportunity Identification
Global Communications must grow and expand their services in order to compete with other companies. They choose to outsource client relations to centers in Ireland and India to cut costs and to introduce new services like wireless video services for company growth. This will let them offer the same services as others in their field. Outsourcing will let them take advantage of the cheaper labor cost which will cut company cost and raise revenue.
Stakeholder Perspectives/Ethical Dilemmas
Shareholders want profit but the negative publicity the company is receiving may turn out to hurt them instead of helping them increase market value. By talking to the union they could come up with other solutions other than outsourcing. Employees will view outsourcing as treachery, they will no longer believe in the company. Employees might be willing to take lower pay cuts to avoid having so many loose their jobs. By talking to each other solutions could be reached and negotiated upon changing this problem into a win-win situation for all involved. Global Communications has to look out for the company but must realize that the company will not go far without the employees. The dilemma of outsourcing will leave many people collecting unemployment; it will disrupt not only the economy but the lives of all involved. They need to look at the overall picture of how to achieve growth and profit.
End-State Vision
Global Communications goal is to remain competitive within the small business regions and bring in higher revenues. They want to cut cost and increase their profit margin. Global communication is only thinking about their shareholders when implementing the plan of outsourcing. They don’t realize how many will be effected. There are ethical consequences to these steps. The few left behind will not produce as before, moral is broken, trust will be an issue. They will think if this is the thanks those workers got for all of their dedication what’s to say we won’t be next. What guarantees can Global Communications give their employees and can the employees believe in what they are told? These are issues which must be addressed before proceeding with their plan of outsourcing.
Global Communication will grow by bring and expanding their technology with new products. They will be able to offer more for their target, small businesses. In quoting Nancy Everhardt, EVP-Small Business Marketing and Sales, “let’s not forget the work we have to do here. Downsizing our domestic call centers has major implications. Although some of our current call center reps can be relocated to our expanding consumer call centers, many will be let go. Those who are relocated will be expected to take an average 10% salary cut, since consumer centers operate on a leaner budget than the small business centers. I don’t expect the workers to take this announcement