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Gays in the Military

By:   •  Essay  •  588 Words  •  November 16, 2009  •  1,276 Views

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Essay title: Gays in the Military

Gays should be allowed in the military because they are people too. All because of their different sexual preference doesn’t mean they serve at a lower degree of skill than heterosexual individuals. It is not fair to homosexual people to not allow them into the military, or to discharge them. It is unjust and not right. If they wish to serve there is no reason why they should not be allowed to. Colin Powell has brought up how this relates very much to how America did not let African Americans serve in the military in the past. It has long since been proven that African American soldiers serve just as well as a Caucasian soldier. What people fail to realize is that this controversy’s only difference is that instead of skin color, it is sexual preference that is being discriminated against. Even though this point as been brought up, people still turn their head and pretend that it hasn’t been. They don’t want to admit that what they are doing is wrong and they should stop. American’s have a tendency to avoid taking responsibility for something that they do wrong. Most people choose to avoid their problem this way and let it continue to exist. This needs to stop. America strives to be the country that’s free and excepting of everyone. It goes again the American standard, the very morals of this great country, to discriminate against homosexuals that wish to serve in our military.

Another reason why homosexual personnel shouldn’t be discriminated or hated against is because since they are no different, aside from their sexual preference, they can do their militant jobs just as well as a heterosexual. It is ludicrous to think that the military has spent over half a million dollars in the past decade to chase down and discharge gay military soldiers. In fact, in the year 2005, 28 of our countries most elite language experts were discharged for being homosexual in the military. Some of these 28 men and women were specialists on the Korean and Arabic languages. That is living proof that homosexuals can do the job just as well as any heterosexual

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