Going to Jail
By: Jon • Essay • 955 Words • November 23, 2009 • 1,283 Views
Essay title: Going to Jail
Evelyn Garrett
Mrs. Paula Branch
College Writing I
Narrative Essay
Going to Jail
When I realized that the choices I make in life can have a lasting effect on me, maybe I should have thought those choices through. Because once I made them, there was no turning back. On Friday, June 28, 2005, I was celebrating my graduation with my cousins and decided to drink the night away which was a very bad idea. That I have since learned from.
My cousins Tasha, Deshaniqua, Jessica, Chasity, and I went to the liquor store to get something to drink. We rode around for a little while looking for something to get into but found nothing. So we decided to go sit on the car outside Tasha’s house and drink our liquor. My boyfriend, Ben called and asked where I was. I told him that I was at Tasha’s having a drink. He was on his way back from South Bend and said he was coming to get me when he got back.
Not long after the call, Ben and some of his friends arrived. He came to the car and asked if I was leaving with him. “Of course,” I said, so we got in the car. After a while of just sitting, he decided he wasn’t ready to go yet, but I was. So since I was drunk, I got mad and got out of the car after him and started pulling on him to come on. He was beginning to get mad because all his boys were seeing him get punked. So tried to be macho man and tell me to get in the car, like I was going to listen. I told him to come on, but he kept standing around talking to his friends, so I went and drank some more.
After a while, he got in the car to leave. So I went to get in, but he started saying that he didn’t want me in his car. I went to get in anyway, and his friend was standing in the way. I didn’t want to move, so I told him if he didn’t move I was going to pour some liquor on him. So he moved, and I got in. Ben started driving, even though we were arguing. He said something I didn’t like, so I poured the liquor on him. He stopped the car and got out; I jumped over the seat and grabbed his keys, got out, and started running. He chased me for a while, but I got tired and dropped the keys on the ground. He picked me up and slammed me in the grass. I started kicking and punching him, so he started choking me. I kicked him off me, ran to his car, and tried to pull his TV from the ceiling, but it wouldn’t move. He got in the car and we started fighting again. I kicked the door, it flew open, and we slide out into the grass. Ben was still choking me but harder; I punched and kicked but nothing seemed to work. So my cousins started hitting him until he let me go. He ran to his car and drove off, so I ran to mine and started chasing him. I drove through trees, almost hitting one. Still chasing him, I lost him when he turned. So I decided to wait for him at his house.
Speeding, I drove over, and ran right into the garage.