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Essay title: Greenpeace

Greenpeace is an independent organization campaigning to ensure a just, peaceful, sustainable environment for future generations. It began in Canada in 1971 and today has a presence in more than 40 countries with 2.4 million supporters worldwide. Greenpeace Australia was founded in 1977 and today we have more than 75,000 supporters.

Prevent dangerous climate change by phasing out fossil fuels (oil, coal, gas) and replacing them with clean renewable energy such as solar.

Use the 2000 Olympic Games to showcase and implement solutions to global environmental problems, including alternatives to toxic materials and renewable energy.

Protect oceans from overfishing and establish a global whale sanctuary. Protect the world's remaining old growth forests.

Eliminate sources of dioxin and other persistent organic pollutants (POPs) including PVC, and ensure legislation to prevent toxic waste dumping.

Protect future generations from the effects of nuclear contamination by ending the nuclear fuel cycle, stopping radioactive discharges and plutonium shipments.

Protect biodiversity by opposing the privatisation and manipulation of the plant and animal gene pool.


Many Greenpeace supporters use the Internet to work with Greenpeace. Their website is an interactive source of information and action - by sending letters, faxes, emails - to support their campaigns


Everyday more than 100 Greenpeace Frontline campaigners are on the streets of Australia talking to the public about their work and raising funds to enable it to continue. Frontline develops important relationships with Greenpeace by recruiting long term supporters.

Local Groups

Greenpeace is establishing Local Group networks in all state capitals to support their key campaigns through the coordination of local events, and by applying public pressure through campaign activities such as letter writing. Local volunteers are an important resource for research and public education.


Greenpeace rely on volunteers to support their daily work. They provide a vital role and are active in all areas of campaigning.


Currently Greenpeace employs 60 staff in Sydney, Canberra and the Pacific. Permanent positions are publicly advertised

History / Achievements

• 1971 After first Greenpeace action the US abandons its nuclear testing grounds at Amchitka, Alaska.

• 1975 France ends atmospheric nuclear tests in the Pacific after Greenpeace protests.

• 1979 Last Australian whaling station closed.

• 1982 Global whaling moratorium adopted by the International Whaling Commission.

• 1988 Following Greenpeace actions in the early 80s, a worldwide ban on incinerating waste at sea is agreed.

• 1989 United Nations moratorium on high seas large-scale driftnets is passed.

• 1990 Greenpeace Australia's Clean Waters campaign exposes coastal water pollution.

• 1991 The 39 Antarctic Treaty signatories agree to a 50-year minimum prohibition on all mineral exploitation, after Greenpeace establishes first non-government base there.

• 1993 France agrees to halt nuclear testing following Rainbow Warrior visit to the test zone.

• 1993 Greenpeace wins anonymous Sydney Olympic Village Design competition.

• 1993 Permanent ban on the dumping of radioactive and industrial wastes at sea adopted.

• 1994 Western Australian Government bans oil exploration around Ningaloo Reef.

• 1994 Basel Convention bans export of toxic waste from OECD to non-OECD countries.

• 1994 Antarctic Whale Sanctuary agreed by International Whaling Commission.

• 1995 Greenpeace lobbying leads NSW Parliament to pass first legislation in the world requiring electricity industry to meet greenhouse reductions targets.

• 1995 Shell UK reverses a decision to

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