Gun Control
By: Vika • Essay • 349 Words • November 26, 2009 • 1,075 Views
Essay title: Gun Control
Gun Control?
How would you feel if a stranger came into your house and threatened
your life or the lives of your children? How would you protect your self if you were no longer aloud to own a gun? This is a rising concern in the U.S. Amercians rights are slowly being taken away, as far as being able to have their own protection. Who's job is it to say that we can or cannot protect our selves. Other countries have tried to ban certain guns, if not all guns, their attempts have failed because crime rates have went up, people cannot use there guns for sporting, hunting,protection, etc. Maybe if gun safety
was taught in school we wouldn't have half as many problems that we do with young children shooting each other accidentilly. Guns are an important part of Amercia's history. This country would not be where it is today with out having weapons to protect it's self. I will agree that some rules and regulations should be applied for guns, but not all rights should be taken away.
Protecting your self is a big issue when it comes to owning a gun. Several studies have shown that a person with a permit to carry a concealed weapon, is more