Hamlets Tragic Flaw
By: Wendy • Essay • 601 Words • December 15, 2009 • 2,021 Views
Essay title: Hamlets Tragic Flaw
In a sense, Hamlet’s own character traits and his personality are the tragic flaws in Hamlet. Hamlet portrays obsessive behavior throughout the book, and this trait assisted in his destruction by causing his blindness to all other reality. Hamlet also is unableto control his fierce emotions, which leads to his misperception of people. Although at times Hamlet behaves rashly and impulsively, it is his philosophical and contemplative thoughts that ultimately destroy him.
In numerous instances, Hamlet becomes overly obsessive about certain matters. In the beginning of the story, in his first soliloquy, Hamlet is overwhelmed with questions about the afterlife and thoughts of suicide (1.2.133-140). Certainly the most obvious obsession seen in Hamlet is his obsession for revenge. Hamlet allows his desire for revenge erase his memory of anything else he has ever learned. He becomes so angry that he swears to only think about how to reach his revenge (1.5.99-116). Hamlet reaches a point of obsession that causes him to pretend to be something he is not in order to seek revenge (1.5.186-202). Hamlet may not realize the ill effects of his decision, but by pretending to be mad he loses many of those whom he loves dearly.
Throughout the book, Hamlet struggles with the ability to control his strong emotions. Hamlet allows his despair and anger caused by his father’s death turn him against his own mother and potentially accuses her of not loving his father (1.2.141-164). He looks through his angry eyes and sees a woman who remarried to quickly rather than seeing a mourning and lonely wife. Hamlet proves his inability to control his anger as he curses Ophelia and denies that his love for her has ever existed (3.1. 100-162). Hamlet