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Have You Met Him - Jesus Christ?

By:   •  Essay  •  605 Words  •  November 18, 2009  •  1,434 Views

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Essay title: Have You Met Him - Jesus Christ?

Jesus the Christ is God the Father (that One and only Holy Spirit - God is a Spirit and One) in flesh - the Son of God. It was God the Father who was responsible for overshadowing the virgin Mary and causing her to conceive. So Mary was the source of His humanity and God was the source of His divinity. He became a man but he did not cease to be God the Father of the universe. He could probably best be explained as the God-Man. Sometimes He spoke and acted as a man. Sometimes He spoke and acted as God (the Father). He came to earth to seek and save that which was lost; to minister and to give His life as a ransom - the just for the unjust. He paid the price for our sins. Then He rose from the dead three days later because He was sinless and death could not hold Him. In so doing, He showed us the way to eternal life and how we can get victory over death. He brought life and immortality to light. He offers forgiveness of sins and eternal life (with countless other benefits) to those who will come to Him on His terms seeing He is Lord of all and is the only one who can save us from death - the second death that the Bible speaks of. The grave is only a temporary place. The day is coming when all that are in the grave will hear His voice and come out of the grave to stand before God (Jesus Christ) the Judge of all the earth - a dreadful place for sinful man. We can avoid this judgment by having our sins dealt with while we are yet alive by obeying the gospel which is His plan of salvation for us. It's very important to follow the Bible formula exactly. The devil has come up with a lot

of variations with the attempt to make the command of God of no effect. Back when the church was born, men were convicted of their sin and asked what they should do when they

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