Health Frauds
By: Stenly • Study Guide • 610 Words • December 19, 2009 • 1,017 Views
Essay title: Health Frauds
-Anecdotes & Testimonials are not reliable evidence that a product or service is effective.
-Spontaneous remissions and the placebo effect can make it difficult to determine whether treatments
are effective.
-Quackery is far more widespread and pervasive than most people realize.
-The best way to avoid being tricked is to stay away from tricksters. Don't base your health-related
decisions on the advise people who exhibit the signs of quackery described in this book.
Quackery is deliberate deception; the promotion, for profit, of a medical remedy known to be false or
Frauds & Quackery Today
-At least $15 billion is spent yearly on products and services that are falsely claims to prevent or
alleviate health problems.
-The Arthritis Foundation states that $1 billion a year is spent on quack remedies.
-The California Medical Association has listed the following widely promoted practices as questionable:
acupuncture, acupressure, applied kinesiology, bogus arthritis treatment, cellulite removal.
-In the 1989 the FDA listed the following as the top 10 health frauds:
a) fraudulent arthritis products b) bogus AIDS cures
c) instant weight loss schemes d) fraudulent sexual aids
e) spurious cancer clinics f) quack baldness remedies
g) false nutritional schemes h) unproven use of muscle stimulators
i) chelaton therapy(cleans arteries) j) treatment for nonexistent yeast infections
Why People are Vulnerable
-Specific reasons why people turn to questionable methods:
1)People may underestimate the degree of illness or may delay obtaining assistance because they
believe they can't afford such services.
2)Religious and cultural beliefs can foster acceptance of faith healers, prayer, and magic.(ie. Chinese
people consider acupuncture and herbal remedies as standard forms of treatment based on belief.)
3)Patients may distrust physicians or question the quality of their care.(Doctors sometimes appear more
concerned with treating illness than with helping the patient.)
4)People fear social unacceptability,