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Hispanic American Diversity

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Essay title: Hispanic American Diversity

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Hispanic American Diversity

Nicole D. Wilson

August 6, 2007

ETH 125 (Martha Brooks)

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“Hispanics in the United States share many of the traditional values claimed by most Americans.” (Garcia 2007) In the Untied States the three largest groups that are known as Hispanic Americans are: Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, and Cuban Americans. Being able to be diverse in linguistic, political, social, economy, religion and family conventions is a key for most Hispanic Americans today. Hispanic Americans are considered the number one minority in the United States; out ranking the African Americans and Asian Americans. There are many attributes that people are unaware of when it comes to the Hispanic influence towards our society that has been created in America.

When it comes to the linguistics of Hispanic Americans, the common language between all countries of Hispanic origin is Spanish. In the countries that our population of Hispanic Americans come from Spanish is mandatory but English is taught in secondary schools. It is not a requirement that children learn English but it is encouraged if there is any interest of pursue higher education that continue over to having very good jobs. Being able to be bilingual as a Hispanic American is very successful when it comes to adapting to the American culture when a lot of states have accepted English as its official language. Although some people frown upon a Spanish citizen for not knowing the English language, we have come a long way to help accommodate those who need help. For instances our education has changed to help Spanish speaking individuals to integrate slowly into English.

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Political influence from the Hispanic American is very strong and easily misjudged to a person that has no formal experience. Hispanic Americans have accounted for at least 40 % of the voting population in the United States. There are many organizations that have been created for the Hispanic community to help involve many citizens to understand the political impact that they have in helping towards a better future for themselves as well as there family. There have been many advances in political decisions that have helped a Hispanic individual, such as having polling places outfitted with Spanish instructions and help with Spanish speaking individuals at polling sites to help as well. When it comes to politics there should be no limited race that has singularity over another race of individuals, we have come to agree and better this issue as times rolls on.

The social and economic standings of Hispanic Americans have been solely appointed by the way the live and the English language as being a very reliable tool in the Unites States. There are many social interactions that Hispanic Americans have given to the “white” American citizen; things such as the value of family and the desire to succeed through hard work. Many Hispanic Americans have come to this country to help themselves as well as their families have a better life. The community of Hispanic Americans is very close knit because they appreciate each others company and thrive on support from having a larger extended families within there city or urban dwellings. There is the source of Religion within Hispanic Americans that is almost no different then those of “white” American citizens.

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Religion and family values are almost hand in hand in the Hispanic American culture. The Hispanic individual values there family and the close structure that they share together. Through religion this also makes a family stronger and more united as a group sharing a common interest, in Roman Catholic. Although not all Hispanics today are more devoted as they were in their original country. In America most Hispanic Americans are more worried about have a future for their family by holding a steady job and supporting their family at all times. Many Hispanic Americans are very close and appreciative of each other company and value there strong family ties.

Mexican Americans are very much like the normal American citizen such as you and I. There is only one thing that not all “white” Americans and other

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