History of Athens
By: Jon • Essay • 768 Words • November 24, 2009 • 1,068 Views
Essay title: History of Athens
In a city called Athens, just below the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, and near the junction place of the North and Middle Oconee Rivers, a town and university grew and prospered among it's music, food, and of course, football. Athens has nurtured individuals and ideas that have sparked controversy nation-wide. It began as a small settlement , known as Cedar Shoals, where ancient Cherokee Indians crossed over the Oconee River. It was based in Clarke County, which was named for Elijah Clarke, who came to Georgia from North Carolina to fight in Georgia battles with Native American Indian tribes, such as the Creek and Cherokee. After nearly 10 years of debate, the location of the University was agreed upon in 1796. The University of Georgia officially began classes in 1801, and Athens is named after the well-known city which had flourished through classical learning in Greece. So come now, and experience the highlights, headlines, and cultural growth of Athens as a city, and way of life.
Knowing now that Athens is a city of culture, it is very important that we talk about one aspect that practically defines culture, music. Athens is famous for music, and is home to famous bands, such as R.E.M and the B-52's. Take one walk around Athens, and you can always find music. Whether it be blasting from whatever event is being held at that time, or simply from the homeless man, playing guitar outside the shops, music is everywhere. Music is so prominent in Athens, in fact, they even have a newspaper just for the music and art scene. The Flagpole is a local weekly with total coverage of the Athens music scene. It is filled with record reviews, upcoming shows, interviews, and more. No matter what Athens experiences in the years ahead, the music of its culture will never die.
While you might think you can find food anywhere and everywhere, there's no place with food like Athens. You may indeed see many chain restaurants around town, such as McDonalds or Wendy's, but you could never find any restaurant like The Grill unless you visit Athens. More restaurants like The Grill include Depalma's, Last Resort, and Harry Bissetts. All of these restaurants and more are like no other. They are individual and make you think of Athens as more than just a city. Food brings people together more than anything else. It's something that everyone understands and does in everyday life. That's why food is such an important part of the culture of Athens.
Now finally for the