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History of Public Relations in Lebanon

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Essay title: History of Public Relations in Lebanon

History of Public Relations in Lebanon

э Public relations, is an art not a science; it is a developing field of эcommunications. It is the planned and organized effort of institution to establish эmutually beneficial relationship with its various public.э

Our advertising professor once said:” If I tell you are handsome and эexciting, that is advertising. If somebody else tells you I am handsome and эexciting, that is sales promotions. If you come and tell me you have heard that I эam handsome and exciting, that is public relations”.э

So public relation is the planned and sustained effort to establish and эmaintain goodwill and mutual understanding between organization and its publics.э

From our research, today we are going to show you how public relation is эpracticed in the governmental and nongovernmental organization in the public and эprivate sectors here in Lebanon.э

I will start by telling you about the public relation practice in some of the эorganization that we have done a research about.э

э1-э The University of Balamand

The PR department’s mission in the Balamand University is to create and эreinforce people’s positive perception towards the university on both internal эand external levels .Their integrated public relations plan helps drive their эuniversity’s goals and establish and maintain their credibility among staff, эstudents, parents and the community at large. э

This plan also aims to improve their communication internally and externally.э

э The objectives of the public relations department is to provide an effective, эefficient and high quality corporate publicity and public relations service to the эuniversity of Balamand, including:э

a- Organizing and participating in events, conferences, book fairs and exhibitions.э

b- Publicizing UOB activities.э

c- Projecting the institute’s identity in the news media.э

d- Monitoring UOB coverage in the media.э

e- Preparing and distributing information in the form of videos, internet, эbooklets, speeches, newsletters, advertisements, seminars etc…э

f- Preparing and publishing bulletins and newsletters, as well as community эrelated publications.э

g- Archiving the university videos, photos and all faculty brochures.э

э2-э The Nestle company:э

Nestle company practice public relations through a staff of public relations эpractitioners.э

At Nestlй, they are committed to offering consumers high quality food эproducts that are safe, tasty and affordable.э

э The Nestle seal of guarantee is a symbol of this commitment. They also believe эin maintaining regular contact with their consumers. This applies both to how they эpresent their products and to how they address their consumers' questions and эconcerns. When Henri Nestlй prepared his first boxes of infant formula for sale, he эput his address on the packages so people would know where to go if they had эquestions. Today, their э

Consumer Relationship Panel with the words "Talk to Nestlй" expresses the эsame commitment.э

So in Nestle Company they care about their consumers so they practice эpublic relations through events, conferences, press releases, presentations and эspeeches that they lunch about their products. э

э This is why Nestle is a worldwide company with a very good reputation. э

In addition, they have a worldwide Nestle consumer services network which they эteach to talk with consumers and above all, to listen. Listening helps them to эunderstand what people want. Nestlй uses the insights gained from relationships эwith consumers to drive product development. э

э At Nestlй, they care about consumers because their success depends on meeting эtheir needs and expectations. This is why public

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