By: Jessica • Essay • 253 Words • November 28, 2009 • 973 Views
Essay title: History
Gothicism:'Gothic' came to signify those things medieval, including architecture, art, and literature. The barbaric connotations remained; Gothic became synonymous with uncivilized, uncultivated, and chaotic, the antithesis of classical. Gothic stood for the old-fashioned, the crude, the archaic, and the pagan values which were not accepted and tabooed in English society at that time.
Atlantica: Olaf Rudbeck wrote it about Gothic mentality: it includes the idea that the lost city of Atlantis was located off the coast of Sweden and that Swedes were the founders of Western culture.
Tycho Brahe: King Frederick II of Denmark and Norway, impressed with Tycho's 1572 observations, financed the construction of two observatories for Tycho on the island of Hven in Copenhagen Sound. These were Uraniborg and Stjerneborg. Uraniborg also had a laboratory for Brahe's alchemical experiments. Because Tycho disagreed with Christian IV, the new king of his country, he moved to Prague in 1599. In return for their support, Tycho's