Home School Vs. Public School?
By: Jessica • Essay • 592 Words • December 11, 2009 • 1,621 Views
Essay title: Home School Vs. Public School?
Home School vs. Public School?
Home schooling or public education; which is more affective? Most people do not realize this, but being home schooled is not some type of prison for young people. There is not a student sitting at a window dreaming of the local public school. This same student is not yearning for the mystery-meat debate or the extraordinary amount of peer pressure to fit in. This student is in fact living all the aspects of a normal child: friends, sports, lunch boxes, recess, music lessons, arts and drama, math, history, English, science.
Home schooling has many benefits over public schools; for instance, the ability to control what is being taught to your children. Some subjects taught in the public school systems are inappropriate to certain religions, such as evolution and sex education. They feel strongly that these topics are best left to the parents to teach their children as they see fit. But the bottom line is government-funded schools will not give parents an option. Instead, they prefer to regulate what is being taught to produce a self-serving pro-government viewpoint.
As the failure of public education continues to grow, more parents are turning to take more responsibility for their children’s education. They are not leaving the left-winged public school system to restrict are free-thinking children. Once a long time again the word education was something of a treasure. To educate means “to provide with schooling. 2.to develop mentally and morally.” It carries a simple yet effective definition, but has been compromised by the public society’s view of the word. In fact, the school is taking it upon themselves to educate our children in brainwashing. Without the distraction of a over populated classroom, a teacher who is limited in funds and time, and the not needing to worry about fitting in a child is able to receive a quality education. Scholastic education aside, what about moral education? Public schools are teaching high schoolchildren proper condom usage, while staying away from such alternatives as abstinence. More focus on homosexuality and what not to do are being focused in schools yet common prayer is banned. Under