How to Make a Clay Village
By: Vika • Essay • 538 Words • November 29, 2009 • 1,063 Views
Essay title: How to Make a Clay Village
How To Make A Clay Village
Clay is a great way to pass the time on rainy days, or on any days! It unleashes your creative side, and it's very fun! You can entertain yourself for hours, and it's inexpensive! Who knows, maybe one day you may get so talented at it, you'll have your own business, and maybe, craft show!
Here's what you need:
Bake able Clay (about 5 different colors)
Tiny Beads (For the eyes)
Wood plank
Popsicle Sticks
Soften your clay by warming it in your hands, rolling it out with a roller and folding it over and over for 8 to 10 times then roll a ball in the middle of your hands. That will be the head. Make sure it is really soft, or it won't bake correctly. Make it about the size of a dollar coin. I suggest using Sculpy III clay. NOT THE GLOW IN THE DARK KIND!
Make another ball, this time a bit smaller than the first, and make it a different color. Mold it into a triangle, and lay that aside. Try making patterns like stripes, with another color and mold it together. This part will be your shirt/pants. Do not attach it to the head yet.
Take a bit of the same colored clay you used for the head, and soften it, and roll it out into a small snake. Take the toothpick, and cut it in half. Roll the first half into a small ball and lay it aside. Do this to the other half and lay it aside. Try and not make fingers.
Now, carefully stick the head on the body, then add the hands (little balls we rolled out earlier) on the sides, and take out the color of