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Howard Stern

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Essay title: Howard Stern

How might one explain Howard Stern? Yes, he is a refreshing change from the typical, politically correct figure, and he provides humor and sex for late night audiences who are growing weary of Leno and Letterman. And while Howard Stern, shock jock turned television host, is more on the same wavelength as a Jerry Springer than a late night comic, Stern has always claimed--like Jerry--that his show is just an act.

The idea that Howard Stern could come close--but not too close--to naked women on his television show, might have created the impression that this was just an act after all. He would say things that any other husband could not get away with, and it was okay, because it was all an act. His integrity and sense of honesty was intact, because he could look and not touch, even if he was standing just an inch away. Of course, that idea would not sit well with all, but in the world of Howard Stern, everything was copacetic. That is, until his wife left him.

It might have been, as with many couples, that the pair divorced for a variety of reasons and that it had nothing to do with his untoward behavior. Still, the fact that he was married for many years, despite his lewd comments, gave him credibility. He was married and because he maintained that he was a faithful, it gave him a dual persona. People would think "Howard is all right. He speaks his mind. So what." But with a single Stern, the picture changes. He is no better than any other dirty old man now. At least that is the perception.

While many speculate about the breakup--as who would stay married to a man who ogles other women every day on the air--Stern maintains that the separation had nothing to do with his on screen behavior. He said: " I take most of the blame because I'm a workaholic, and when I'm not working I'm hiding in my basement trying to recover, and I've pretty much hidden from life. I don't think it's easy to be married to me " ("Not-so-private" 68). Stern's contention that his marriage crumbled because of his habits rings true. In the film Private Parts based on his life, Stern revealed that he was of good character, remained faithful to his wife and that he was hard to live with off the air. Howard Stern is a recluse at home and marriages break up for less than that. Howard maintains that he hopes a reconciliation is possible (68).

What is also evident is that Stern appears depressed. Although he has achieved remarkable success for an unremarkable act, he is obviously not happy in his personal life. What Stern continues to do is to integrate his radio persona with real life and in some ways, he cannot separate the two. What most people know about Stern's one big mistake had nothing to do with a lesbian bimbo getting too close, but rather his talking about Alison's miscarriage on the air. That is what most know about Howard Stern. His life has been aired in the film Private Parts and he tells the world how he feels every day. While he is flamboyant, and pushes the envelope, one thing is true. Howard Stern is at least consistent. What does this mean? While Stern on one hand objectifies women on the show, and then talks about his wife lovingly, that is a contradiction. But he maintains that this act is just that and both parts of that personality co-exist.

Many wonder why the show is still on the air as it is somewhat offensive and really does nothing new, even as the years go by. Ratings had in fact dropped for this successful host, but they soon picked up again. Donovan reported that while Stern's Saturday night show had been in the doldrums, the marital breakup had helped ratings (Donovan 226). But one question remains. What will Stern do now that he is on available again?

That is not an easy one to answer. Likely, he will stay true to his word. If reconciliation occurs, he will not entertain other relationships. Also, although Stern shares many escapades on the air, whether he will share serious experiences--in relation to the break up and his new life--is not known. After all, he does have his children to consider. Sharing his feelings on the air about his personal life does seem to contradict commitments he has made to both his wife an children. While the break up of the long standing marriage completely changes things, it seems as if the same old Howard continues to do what he has always done best, which is to make a fool of himself on an almost daily basis. He is able to laugh at himself, and maintains his honesty which is exemplary. Yet, in evaluating character, one must consider the damage his honesty does to his family who bear the brunt of Howard's rants. In that sense, honesty can be selfish.

An important question is, what does Stern contribute to society? In some way, he is an exemplification of a good husband in that he takes his marital vows very seriously, not ever

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