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Essay title: Hpu

Course Objectives

BA 206 is the core Marketing course in the MBA program. The course objectives are:

1. To introduce you to the role of marketing in organizations;

2. To teach the basic concepts and tools used in marketing, including:

- Elements of marketing analysis: customers, competition, company

- Elements of the marketing mix: the 4 P’s;

3. To assist in learning how to apply these concepts and to practice making decisions through:

- In-class case analyses (exposing you to examples of successful and unsuccessful marketing applications in the first part of the course:)

- Guest lectures and question and answer sessions with industry practitioners in the latter part of the course.

- The Markstrat Simulation;

4. To improve presentation and writing skills and provide opportunities to articulate and defend positions via written individual assignments and a group project.

The overall theme of the course is to emphasize the process of thinking: qualitatively, quantitatively, and strategically, using concrete, real-life practical examples as specific exemplars, drawing from both traditional areas of marketing as well as newer areas including high technology, non-profit and global marketing.

The course is organized into four distinct, yet inter-related sections. Except for the first section that is introduced gradually through the course, the other sections are modular and sequential:

1. Marketing Tools: Quantitative Analyses for marketing decisions (2 sessions), marketing research (2 sessions)

2. Marketing Strategy: 3 C;s: Company, customer, competition (5 sessions)

3. Marketing Mix Variables: 4 P's: Product (3 sessions), Price (2 sessions), Place (2 sessions), and Promotion (2 sessions)

4. Integrative Marketing Applications: Markstrat (2 sessions), Special Applications and Integrated Case analyses in for different product-market situations, including: services, non-profit, high technology, business to business, entrepreneurial, global, and retailing (7 sessions)

Course Materials

Text: Winer, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall, 2000.

Larrйchй and Gatignon, MARKSTRAT 3, South-Western, 1998.

A reader containing the cases for the course should also be purchased.

Course Administration

The course consists of lectures, case analyses, guest lectures and participation in a marketing simulation, MARKSTRAT. The lectures will complement the text and will not attempt to cover all points raised in the reading. Details on the MARKSTRAT simulation will be provided at a later date.

Course Grading

Class participation 20%

Individual Assignments (3 x 10% each) 30%: 1st half of the course

Midterm Exam 20%

Group-Assignment: (10 moves + MARKSTRAT project write up) 30%: 2nd half of the course

I encourage you to form groups early on in the course and work together. The groups can be a maximum of 5 people, and may be used for the Markstrat simulation. Except for the three individual assignments, and the mid-term examination, you are encouraged to work together on all other class preparation, including analysis of a case prior to class.

Exam. The midterm will be a take home case study (4 pages double spaced in 12 point font + exhibits).

Individual Assignments. There will be three individually written case-based assignments (2 pages

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