Human Nature
By: Top • Essay • 965 Words • November 10, 2009 • 1,709 Views
Essay title: Human Nature
Human nature is the egotistical behaviours that drive the human race to be creative and inquisitive. Although some philosophers may disagree with the validity of this statement, others such as Aristotle, John Stuart Mill and Thomas Hobbes would believe it to be true. After examining the beliefs of these philosophers and using real-life examples to rebut the beliefs of those who disagree, man's true nature of curiousity, creativity and selfishness is clearly evident.
Once inspecting the philosophical beliefs of Thomas Hobbes, Aristotle and John Stuart Mill, human's creative, inquiring and self-indulgent nature seems indisputable. Thomas Hobbes was correct in saying that self-interest is man's true nature. He spoke the truth when he described man as an "aggressive, greedy, competitive, anti-social and vain" (Gini- Newman et al. 28) species. Everyday, man demonstrates this nature as he works steadfastly to make money so that he can indulge in the life of luxury and opportunity that he desires. He then donates to charitable organizations so that he does not have to suffer from feelings of guilt for not sharing his wealth with those less fortunate. Even human's creativity and desire for knowledge illustrate our races egotistical nature. Aristotle once said that "all men by nature desire knowledge." (Gini- Newman et al. 26) John Stuart Mill later said that "no intelligent human being would consent to be a fool." (Gini- Newman et al. 26) Both of these philosophers were correct in their observations. Man is an incredibly intelligent human being. He can think abstractly and develop unique ideas and theories. However, man's creative ideas and broad range of knowledge all contribute to his self-interest. Man prides himself on knowledge. His intellectual endeavors build his self esteem and ego. He feels proud and worthy when he invents something. Although many human being use their innovative nature to improve the quality of life for others, their intentions are always inspired by their innate desires to feed their selfish nature.
The selfish desires of man and his needs for creativity and knowledge of self are difficult to dispute. Although philosophers such as Joseph Butler, Mengzi and Siddhartha Gautama have expressed different beliefs on this issue, there are many examples that challenge the soundness of them. Joeseph Butler once said that self-love and benevolence do not conflict. One could disagree with this statement because there are many instances in life when one's own desires do conflict with their desires to help others. For example, in society today, many secondary students are feeling pressured by the competition for acceptance into universities and colleges. As a result, they are doing as much as they can to better their chances at getting accepted into university or college. Some students are running charitable drives to enhance the quality of their applications. Others are volunteering so they can complete their community service hours. Although these students are helping others, their intentions are inspired by their own desires to get accepted into a post-secondary institution. Speaking of education, the renowned Chinese philosopher, Mengzi, once said that "evil exists because some people do not cultivate their inner goodness through proper education."(Gini- Newman et al. 32) The truth in this statement can easily be argued due to the fact that people have been taught how to become "good" individuals for centuries. Parents teach their children how to share and be respectful