By: Mike • Essay • 1,035 Words • December 4, 2009 • 921 Views
Essay title: Hurt
Big mama where's my skirt "Kia yelled" while on a rampage through the laundry room. Child I don't know I just wash them its your job to put them up, and where the hell you think you going it's to late at night "Big mama yelled" back in protest from her bedroom. Didn't mama say that skirt was to short anyway "her little sister Ashley said" while rolling her eyes. Fuck what that bitch say she ain't here to stop me "Kia said" showing nothing but pure hate and anger in her voice and face. Ooooooooo Big mama you heard...but before Ashley could finish her sentence a fry pan came flying out of the kitchen in into the laundry room with clear intentions to seek out and destroy it's target. Crack was the sound the pan made when it crashed into Kia's thigh. Ahh shit she screamed out. Girl didn't I tell you to watch your mouth in my house " Big mama said" while suddenly appearing in the door way of the laundry room. Man whatever "Kia mumbled". Lil girl what you say " big mama asked" while looking around for something to throw. Kia new this look and rushed out of the room and decided to stay out of big mama's sight for thr rest of the night.
Tap tap tap was the sound that Ashley heard on her bedroom window. She rolled over to look at the clock on her dresser. It was 2:00 in the morning. She looked at the window and recgonized the figure. She went over and forced opened the 30 year old window. Hey baby how you been. It was Carmen Ashley mother. Hey mom Ashley said semi excited and forced a smile on her face, she knew what her mom wanted, money to support her drug habit. Carmen looked nervous and jumped at every sound the insects mad. When you coming home ma? Ashley asked knowing that whatever came out of her moms mouth was a lie. She did it to more so give herself hope that they could one day be a real family. Baby what you talking bout, I only been gone for 2 days "carmen said" looking puzzled. Mom you been gone for three weeks "Ashley said". Her mom now seemed to be itching and scratching her already dusty hair. Her mom was in bad shape. Her clothes were dirty, her breath was horrid, had her blue jeans had deep green almost black grass stains in them. Ashley could only imagine what she had been doing. Mom why weren't you at my birthday party "Ashley asked" but she already knew. Girl your birthday isn't for another month "Carmen said" her eyes glazed, still looking around as if some one was after her. No its not it was last Friday Ashley said. Oh happy birthday baby so did you get any money carmen asked. Yeah a little. Good were is it carmen asked but in a more focused and dangerous tone. In my..... ashley started but was interupted when her mom said never mind just go get it. She went to her dresser drawer and pulled out the thirty dollars her grandmother had given her and returned to the window. Hear you go ashley said, her head hurting from holding back the tears. She handed her carmen the money and said I love you. Uh hu this all you got not acknowledging what her daughter just said. Yeah that's it Ashley replied. You sure, don't lie to your mother carmen said in that dangerous tone. Yeah thats all of it Ashley replied. Ok well, uh by baby. And just