By: July • Essay • 893 Words • December 8, 2009 • 1,067 Views
Essay title: Imc
Intergrated marketing communications
there has been a gradual move towards integrated marketing communications in recent years.
the aim of integrated marketing communcations is to:
ensure that all communications to all potential aduiences are consistent
to create greater reinforcement by the target audiences receiving messages in different ways
be more cost effective
ensure that all potential means of communications are moniotored
FILL,2003: IMC is the management process associted with the strategid development, delivery and dialogue of consistent, coordinated messsages that stakeholds perceive as reinforcing core brand propositions.
Schultz, 1993: IMC is a concept of marketing communcations planning that recognises the added value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communications disciplines (for example general advertising, direct response, sales promotion, and plucib relations)...and combines these disciplines to provide clairty, consistency, and maximum communications impact.
A planning process designed to assure that all brand contacts received by a customer or prospect for a product, service, or organization are relevant to that person and consistent over time.
IMC is the strategic choice of elements of marketing communications which will effectively and economically influence transactions between an organisation and its existing and potential customers, clients and consumers (Betts et al, 1995)
Feautres of integrated marketing communications:
clearly identified marketing communcations objectives which are consistent with other organisational objectives.
planned approach which covers the full extent of marketing communications activities in a coherent and synergistic way.
range of target audiences - not confined just to customers or prospects nor just to imply end customers but include all selected target audience groups. these may be any specified public or group of publis - stakeholders, consumers, customers and ifnluences of customers and consumers, both trade and domestic.
management of all forms of contact which may form the basis of marketing communcations activity. this involves any relevant communication arising from contact within the organisation and between the organisation and its publics.
effective management and integration of all promotional activities and people involved.
incorporate all product/brand and corporate marketing communications efforts.
range of promotional tools 0 all elements of the promotional mix including personal and non-personal comunications.
range of messages - brand propositions should be derived from a single consisent strategy. this does not imply a single, standardises message and the integrated marketing communications effort should ensure that all messages are determined in such a way as to work to each others mutual benefit or at least minimise incongruity.
range of media - any 'vehicle' able to transmit marketing commncation messages and not just mass media.
Developing a marketing communications plan
From a strategic perspective, key decisions concern:
the overall direction of the programme and target audiences
the fit with marketing + corporate strategy
the desire position, the brand is to occupy in the market
the resources to be made available
the key message
the overall goal.
Therefore it is important to start form the overall strategic approach of the company:
what business model does it use
what is the companies strategic approach?
who are its target audiences