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Implementation Plan Research Worksheet: Friar Tucker

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Implementation Plan Research Worksheet: Friar Tucker

University of Phoenix

MBA 590/Strategic Implementation and Alignment

Doug Hocking

June 19, 2006

Friar Tucker Implementation Plan Research Worksheet

In order to help Friar Tucker with its implementation planning process, you will need to look at how companies in other industries have dealt with similar issues.

Topic A: Best Practices in Project Implementation

Instructions for Topic A: In the Response row, each team member must identify at least one company that has faced and addressed similar situations (successfully and unsuccessfully).

In the Response row, identify whether the company has been successful or unsuccessful.

In the Response row, summarize your key findings for the company as they relate to the scenario.

In the Response row, identify at least one alternative solution for Friar Tucker from each company researched.

Response to Topic A:

Claimtrack Systems, Inc. (Successful)

As exampled by Claimtrack Systems, Inc., via its successful Electronic Medical Records implementation program, the key to a successful project implementation begins with the selection of the right players for the right positions. In creating a project management team, careful attention must be paid when selecting the Project Manager, the Project Leaders and certain strategic employees. Victory depends on the caliber of the members of the team, the team's ability to work together and to magnifying the talents of team both individually and collectively. Successful implementation teams include: a Project Manager who has the ability to engage the right players, in the right activity, at the right time and Project Leaders who control the interaction between these players, balance expectations and keep the project moving forward. (Passage, 2006, p. 44)

Friar Tucker must develop and implement the right person for the right position strategy in order to drive the project to a successful and timely completion. The firm must consider the overall caliber, experience and compatibility of the members as it assembles an implementation team. In addition, the firm must also take into consideration these elements as it selects strategic partners or contractors.

Weiser LLP (Successful & Unsuccessful)

Weiser is a professional accounting and consulting services provider that helps their clients implement ERM (enterprise risk management) into their organization. This process will help with the "ability to identify, asses, measure, monitor, and report on their business risks. Weiser developed five phases for implementation:

Understand the business model

Identify, assess, prioritize, link, and report risks

Determine the appropriate risk responses

Determine Capabilities to manage risk and implement risk responses

Implement risk monitoring and internal audit programs

According to Weiser, the first phase is to understand the organization and the overall focus, vision, and mission. Knowing and understanding the: who, what, where, why, and how's of the company is critical. For the second phase the project team must gather risk information via interviews, questionnaires and sessions with key personnel and link to strategic objectives and key business process. The third phase is determining how risk should be mitigated through quantitative and quality considerations. The final two phases requires project teams to evaluate the organizations capabilities, infrastructure, develop internal audit programs, execute, identify key performance indicators, and implement monitoring mechanisms. Weiser has successfully implemented fully functioned ERM systems to companies. They have been responsible for assuring that business objectives were accomplishes and share holder value maximized.

Many lessons have been learned from Weiser clients, who have traded to implement such systems unsuccessfully. Companies have failed as a result of not gathering the key information and needs. Risks were deemed to be unmanageable and were not viewed as being core to the companies' missions. Overall

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