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India Vs Pakistan - Telecommunication Industry: A Critical Analysis

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Essay title: India Vs Pakistan - Telecommunication Industry: A Critical Analysis

Pakistan and India Telecommunication industry: a critical analysis


Telecom statistics

November’05 December’ 05 January’06

Total subscribers 119.9mn 123.85mn 129.82mn

Tele-density 11.00 11.43 12.00

Fixed line 48.47mn 48.93mn 49.21mn

Additions during the month 0.28mn 0.46mn 0.28mn

Mobile 71.46mn 75.92mn 80.61mn

Total additions during the month 3.51mn 4.46mn 4.69mn

GSM additions 2.32mn 3.19mn 3.52mn

CDMA additions 1.18mn 1.17mn 1.17mn

India’s tele-density in January 2006 neared 12% with the subscriber base nearing the 130mn mark. During January 2006, record 5mn subscribers were added as against 4.92mn subscribers in December 2005. This strong growth could be attributed to lifetime validity cards launched by almost all operators. During the first 10 months of FY06, 31.41mn subscribers have been added. In the fixed segment, a total of 0.28mn subscribers were added during January 2006, taking the subscriber base of fixed line services to 49.21mn. In the mobile segment, total additions during the month summed up to 4.69mn with highest ever GSM additions of 3.52mn and CDMA additions of 1.17mn. During the first 10 months of FY06, 28.39mn subscribers have been added.

Bharti set to raise FDI limit to 74%

Bharti Tele-Ventures has proposed to raise the foreign direct investment (FDI) ceiling to 74% from the present 49%. The private telephony major has placed a special resolution seeking shareholders' permission. In a letter to shareholders, Bharti said the move was "to comply with the terms and conditions incorporated in the licence agreement by DoT." The government through the press note 5 (2005 series) dated November 3, 2005 has enhanced the FDI ceiling from 49 per cent to 74 per cent in telecom. The company is also mulling over amending its 'Article of Association', which states the maximum number of directors cannot exceed 18, so that it can induct three more members. To comply with the listing agreement requirement, FDI guidelines, other statutory requirements and shareholder agreements, the company is required to broaden its base. It is, therefore, proposed to amend article 117(a) of the Article of Association to increase the existing limit of 18 to 21. The existing article will be replaced by a new one, which would state that the company's management will comprise not less than eight and not more than 21 directors, "unless a greater number is required for legal, regulatory, listing requirements or to meet the provisions of the shareholder agreement". However, this is subject to government approval.

Mobile telephony update

Mobile telephony services are rapidly expanding and have contributed approximately 941% to new subscriber additions in January 2006. The segment’s subscriber base grew 5.16% mom to 80.61mn. Of the total subscriber’s added, almost 75% subscribers belonged to the GSM segment and the rest were CDMA segment. This strong growth is largely attributed to the lifetime validity cards launched by all major operators.

Market share of mobile subscribers

GSM mobile segment

India's GSM mobile operators added record 3.52mn subscribers in the month of January. The highest ever addition since inception of service was largely due to life time cards and falling handset prices. The total GSM subscriber base increased by 6% to 62mn

The growth was largely due to the life time validity cards launched by major players. The month saw the addition of 3.52mn subscribers as compared to 3.2mn in December 2005.

The growth was led by BSNL, which added over 1mn subscribers. Growth came from AP, Karnataka, Kerala, and West Bengal circles. Bharti added over 1mn subscribers led by Karnataka, Maharashtra, NE, Orissa, AP and Mumbai regions.

MTNL, the state run PSU added over 0.1mn subscribers. For MTNL, Mumbai witnessed a growth of 7% and Delhi 6.7%.

GSM subscribers

Group Company Subscribers as of December'05 Additions In Jan Subscribers as of January'06 (%)Growth

Bharti 16,327,150 1,046,020 17,373,170 6.41

BSNL 14,298,890 1,074,110 15,373,000 7.51

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