By: regina • Essay • 1,187 Words • November 26, 2009 • 1,038 Views
Essay title: Infiltration
As I lay on the beautiful beach, with my wife Jane, my 8 year old son, and my 4 year old daughter I realized how great my life was. The sky was blue and the sound of the waves crashing on the coast gave me a feeling of warmth and love. The burgers were cooked to perfection, and the hot dogs and sausage were fantastic. I grabbed the football and started to have a catch with my son, back and forth we threw the ball as he laughed and dove into the water to catch a pass. Fisher, Fisher, FISHER, as I awoke to the sound of staff sergeant Johnson calling my name. My name is Jon Fisher and I am a covert operator for the navy seals. I wish I could have stayed in that dream but that is not how life is when you are a covert operator.
My mission was to find the whereabouts of the Korean nuclear warheads, disarm them, and kill Kim-Jun-Shep, who was a North Korean dictator who wanted world domination. He was threatening the United States with Nukes that were filled with a chemical that once combined with water would spread throughout the country within days, killing millions of men, women, and children and I could not let that happen. North Korea has been a major threat to the United States for years and they have made previous threats before that have been neutralized. I myself had been to Korea several times before and I have had my share of close calls but this was to be my biggest and toughest task yet.
I arrived in a base in South Korea who is allies to the United States for my mission briefing. Kim-Jun-Shep was the head of the North Koreans military operations and we had an informant who gave us the information on his location. Shep was in an underground bunker in the Kush Mountains and getting in was going to be a tough task. Shep had somewhere between 100 and 200 men stationed around the bunker, heat detecting, night vision, motion sensing cameras at every corner. My mission sounded easy. Make it into North Korea undetected and be dropped at the base of the mountain, and then I had to infiltrate the bunker, find the warheads and disable them, and take out Kim-Jun-Shep. But it was going to be anything but easy.
I packed my equipment which consisted of flash, smoke, and standard grenades, My 12 inch serrated field knife which is always useful, and my favorite thing of all, which was my M4A1 custom silenced assault rifle which had standard bullets tranquilizer darts and a grenade launcher on the bottom. The helicopter picked me up and we flew in to North Korea, flying low to be undetected by their radar. We approached the drop off point and I took the jump with my parachute deploying and coming to a safe landing; First task complete.
My suit was made of a Kevlar that didn’t release heat so the heat detecting cameras were useless. I climbed the mountain and as I pulled out my binoculars I saw the bunker and five guards at the door. I crept up the hill and saw a rock on the ground. I picked it up and threw it in the bushes to the right of the guards. They stuttered for a moment and then walked over to check it out. I took out my knife and a flash grenade and started in there direction. As I threw the flash grenade one of the guards dropped to the floor blinded for the moment and the rest were just another notch on my knife as I swept in and eliminated the four standing guards. The fifth guard was still on the ground and I knew I could squeeze him for information. As I expected he sang like a bird telling me the number of guards and where Shep and the warheads were. For the helpful information he received a tranquilizer dart in the neck that would put him down for a good three hours, and I would be long gone before that. There were only 60 guards and Shep was in the main office with the warheads just one