International Kidnapping as a Businss
By: Andrew • Research Paper • 2,588 Words • November 11, 2009 • 1,165 Views
Essay title: International Kidnapping as a Businss
Why is this an "A" paper?
This research paper demonstrates:
clear focus (i.e., thesis)
clear organization (through topic sentences)
specific and varied evidence, such as statistics, historical facts, cases, expert explanations, and examples
sources in sufficient numbers for depth of research
exceptional integration of diverse sources, such as scholarly journal articles, books, popular magazine articles, and Internet (Note that the paper doesn't solely rely on Internet sources!)
clear explanations tying evidence to the main points and ultimately to thesis
correct MLA documentation (in-text citations and works cited page) and MLA format
This is Nicole Camardo's research paper, printed and edited with her permission.
Note: Follow all punctuation marks, quotes, and spacing and underlining exactly as shown in the examples throughout the guide!
Research papers customarily use third person, NOT "you" or "I."
In-text citations NEVER use web URL addresses.
Nicole Camardo
English 101 SL1
Dr. Joanna Chrzanowski
28 November 2001
Stop the Hurt
The exploitation of a child or adolescent under the age of seventeen by an adult or another child at least two years older than the victim for the purpose of the offender's own sexual gratification is defined as child sexual abuse. It is a problem that society is faced with every day. Sexual abuse of children can be physical or non-physical. Non-physical sexual abuse includes exhibitionism, voyeurism, and child pornography. Physical sexual abuse can be non-violent or violent and includes fondling of a child's genitals, non-violent sexual intercourse, incest, and violent acts, such as rape. The individuals that commit these acts are better known as pedophiles. As defined on the website Myths and Facts about Sex Offenders, (Identify web site in introductory phrase when no author or title available to cite at the end) "Pedophilia is a psychosexual disorder characterized by a sexual desire for and sexual acts with prepubescent children." This disorder occurs predominantly in males, although it can also occur in women. Studies show that females commit approximately twenty percent of sex offenses against children (Myths). Sexual abuse of children is one of the most heinous crimes committed that can have extreme adverse effects on a child. Unfortunately, too often offenders are convicted of this crime, serve a sentence of a few years and then are released, in many cases repeating the crime on other children. Child abuse laws are not strict enough (Reach Me Inc.) (Thesis Sentence without listed reasons; shorter essays usually list reasons).
How can an individual perform such indecent acts on children? (Transitional Sentence) No one knows for certain what makes a person become a pedophile. (Topic Sentence) Many convicted sex offenders have been asked what they think happened in their lives to make them commit such terrible offenses. Most of them respond that they were raised by decent families and have no idea what could have triggered this aberrant behavior. Some researchers agree that "[. . . ] (Use square brackets when you begin your quote in the middle of the sentence) bad parenting is not the cause of pedophile tendencies" (Gardener 28). Some pedophiles say they wish they could stop and are sorry while others brag about their actions and look forward to repeating their crimes (Gado). Past sexual victimization can increase the likelihood of sexually aggressive behavior. Among adult sex offenders, approximately thirty percent have been sexually abused (Myths). (Subsequent references to web site may be shortened and cited either within the sentence or at the end, as here) Clearly, sexual abuse of children has roots in the past and becomes a vicious circle difficult to break. That is one reason for making laws against this crime more severe. (Concluding statement(s) summing up evidence, main points and referring to the thesis. Do this for every major