Is Atkins Good or Bad?
By: Mike • Research Paper • 1,088 Words • November 8, 2009 • 1,344 Views
Essay title: Is Atkins Good or Bad?
Ben Lee
Page 1 8/10/2005
Writing 121
Is Atkins good or bad?
Take a good look around, and you will see sexy and skinny people staring you in the face in some shape or form by the media. It seems like a propaganda machine that is trying to poison your mind, telling you can only be attractive, if you are either super skinny or super buff. Well folks, I have something to say. Look around and examine the average person. Most people do not look like models. To be attractive is to be thin, so a long-standing fad is people doing whatever it takes to be thin. As a consensus, America is not very patient, so we go for the quick fix. That is where the new Atkins diet comes into play. Eat all the fatty foods we want, and we can lose weight? Yes, sign me up for that. Is this paradise or what? No restrictions on diet and the pounds melt away. Millions of people swear on it. However, some do not buy into this high fat, low carbohydrate diet. Most physicians and nutritionist’s believe Atkins diet has long-term effects that endanger your health.
The influence of Atkins is spreading all over the country. Some restaurants are promoting having an Atkins friendly menu, so people can eat fatty but low carbohydrate foods. Carbohydrates if you did not know are energy that you get from grain products such as bread and pasta. When you do not burn the energy, it gets stored in your body, and it becomes fat. It is as simple as that. However, with the media promoting it all over, this trend is spiraling out of control. Millions of people are swearing by it. I am guessing this is due to the mindset of our country. We are always on the outlook for a painless and
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easy shortcut. Since this is a new trend, not much is known about the long-term effects of this diet, but many scientists are skeptical, because it is contradicting their earlier philosophy of losing weight by eating less, and exercising more. “Most public health professionals and organizations strongly disapprove of this diet.” (Goodman) I feel that while this benefits you in the short run, you are only setting yourself up for failure, when you return to your normal diet. Seriously, think about it, how can you say no to French toast or pasta from Olive Garden? Yeah that‘s right, not very long. You are tricking your body, and it will adjust once you start eating normal. I believe if people start thinking logical, that they will see through that Atkins is not the way to go. “If the indicator of a successful diet is initial weight loss (which is mainly from muscle and water initially), and not long-term,. then my hat’s off to Atkins!” (Goodman) That does not seem like a glowing recommendation to me!
Throughout history, there have been overweight people, and this battle will only get larger, as the youth of our nation are getting fatter every second, from all the new technology that has kept millions inside the house. Therefore, instead of enjoying a nice day outside, kids are sitting on their butts playing video games, and endangering their health. Kids are getting bigger and bigger, and until they look at the mirror, or someone tells them so, they will not do anything to change their ways. I believe our society is getting lazy and a large reason while Atkins is ever so popular in this country. Atkins does not call for any exercise, only low carbohydrates. Millions of people all over the world have lost weight the normal and safe way. This is achievable by watching what you eat, and exercising more. However, people always whine about genetics or no time to
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work out. There is 24 hours in each day. An average person sleeps about eight hours a day and they work eight hours a day. This leaves you about 8 hours to do whatever you want. If you could just take a 30 minute walk a day,