Jem Letter to Atticus (to Kill a Mockingbird)
By: Max • Essay • 431 Words • December 2, 2009 • 4,284 Views
Essay title: Jem Letter to Atticus (to Kill a Mockingbird)
Dear Atticus,
I feel awkward telling you these things face to face, so I decided to write you a letter. A few weeks ago, I was ashamed to be your son. I saw you as just a frail, old, boring man. But now, after the trial, I see you are anything but. The way that you defended Tom Robinson was heroic, and even though you lost, you were able to prove Tom was innocent and would have won had he been a white man. I am sure that had Tom not been shot, we would have won the appeal and he would have been freed. You showed great composure during the trial, and never let your emotions get the better of you. I think it’s right good of you to ignore Mr. Ewell whenever he speaks to you; he is truly a horrible man who deserves to be locked up. I admit that if it were me, I would have probably sunk to his level, and called him names back, or even went as far as to hit him.
I am still pretty shocked that Tom was convicted, even though Reverend Sykes told me that he’d never seen a black man defeat a white man in court, I was still sure Tom would be the one to change that. The fact that it was physically impossible for Tom to have committed this crime made me positive the jury would have cleared him. It just shows how racist the jury were. But at least we made them think about it, and one of