By: Monika • Essay • 896 Words • December 17, 2008 • 1,670 Views
Essay title: Judaism
P. Second Temple of Jerusalem- stood between 516 BCE and 70 CE. During this time, it was the center of Jewish worship, which focused on the sacrifices known as the korbanot
R. Pharisees -It is the belief in an oral law that God gave to Moses at Sinai along with the Torah. The Pharisees believed that God also gave Moses the knowledge of what these laws meant and how they should be applied. This oral tradition was codified and written down roughly three centuries later in what is known as the Talmud.
U. Essenes - A Jewish religious group that flourished from the 2nd century BC to the 1st century AD. Many separate, but related religious groups of that era shared similar beliefs. These groups are collectively referred to as the Essenes.
T Messiah - anointed one is the term used in the Hebrew Bible to describe priests and kings, who were traditionally anointed.
W Qumran – discovered in 1947 of nearly 900 scrolls in various states of completeness, mostly written on parchment, extensive excavations of the settlement have been undertaken.
V Dead Sea Scrolls - The texts are of great religious and historical significance, as they include practically the only known surviving copies of Biblical documents made before 100 AD, and preserve evidence of considerable diversity of belief and practice within late Second Temple Judaism
X Rabbinic Judaism - mainstream religious system of post-diaspora Judaism. It evolved after the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE by the Roman Empire.
A Rabbi - means a religious ‘teacher', or more literally, ‘my great one', when addressing any master.
B Zealots - a Jewish political movement in the 1st century which sought to incite the people of Iudaea Providence to rebel against the Roman Empire and expel it from the country by force of arms during the Great Jewish Revolt.
C Halakhah - usually translated as "Jewish Law," although a more literal (and more appropriate) translation might be "the path that one walks." The word is derived from the Hebrew root Hei-Lamed-Kaf, meaning to go, to walk or to travel. Such as what to do when you wake up in the morning.
D Haggadah – a Jewish religious text that sets out the order of the Passover Seder. Haggadah, meaning "telling," is a fulfillment of the scripture commandment to each Jew to "tell your son" about the Jewish liberation from slavery in Egypt, as described in the book of Exodus in the Torah.
E Shekhinah - used to denote the dwelling or settling presence of God, especially in the Temple in Jerusalem.
F Ghettos – It is an urban area occupied by those that were rejected by society, predominate during the holocaust.
H Hasidism – A religious movement that originated in an age of persecution of the Jewish people, when European Jews had turned inward to Talmud study; many felt that most expressions of Jewish life had become too "academic" and that they no longer had any emphasis on spirituality or joy.
J Holocaust – A word that describes the genocide of approximately six million European Jews during World War 2, as part of a program of deliberate extermination planned and executed by the regime in Germany led by Adolf Hitler.
L Zionism - an international