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L Oreal

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Essay title: L Oreal


In music, art, literature, fashion and film,

But first of all ;What is exactly hip-hop?

Hip-hop is a culture.

Often used referring to commercialized rap music, however hip-hop is more than just music.

Composed of four subcategories, universally known as "elements." The elements are:

o dance (commonly referred to as breaking or breakdance),

o graffiti (also known as writing),

o DJing, and

o rapping.

These four elements developed along different time lines and each have their own unique history underneath the umbrella of hip-hop culture.

Hip-hop culture started to develop in the early '70s in New York City, Although created by black youth on the street, hip hop's influence has become worldwide. Approximately 75% of the rap and hip hop audience is nonblack.

. Nowadays; Hip hop is being used to help communities all over the world express themselves and speak about issues affecting them

MUSIC; The most powerful and influential part of hip-hop culture has come to be rap music, a form of poetry that is said over musical instrumentation. Today, rap is the fastest growing music genre in the U.S., accounting for more than 10 percent of the $12.3 billion music sales in 1998. 1

Rap music has taken an important role in hip hop culture Hip hop music is also present in nightclubs ,the street parties and music clubs of New York to become a worldwide cultural force . The overall hip hop culture has been established by this musical art form. The language (street slang), dress (baggy pants, caps worn backwards, expensive sneakers), and style of the hip hop culture have all evolved from rap music.

Street language is transmitted to the hip hop culture through rap music. One can hear a Chinese or Filipino hip hopper using the same slang as the African American hip hopper. culture is bounded linguistically Even if hip hoppers have different first languages, they still can understand the slang of hip hop. that one reason rap is so popular is because of the resistance it has met.


FiLM Hip-hop culture is widely used in commercials (Coca-Cola, Burger King), fashion advertisements, video games, TV shows,

McDonald's, Coca Cola, Sprite, Nike, and other corporate giants have capitalized on this phenomenon

and there is even a hip-hop exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum of Art. You have also sitcoms that promoted this culture…Sit-coms such as the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, , Malcolm, Steve Harvey, and the Jamie Fox show all capitalize on this population.

FASHION Hip Hop style has taken an important place in fashion… it recognizes the importance of the "street" in determining fashion

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