Letting Go
By: Jack • Essay • 446 Words • November 19, 2009 • 1,059 Views
Essay title: Letting Go
Letting Go!
Have you ever wondered what type of hold that drugs have on some people? Sarah was like any other 16 year old girl. She hung out with the in crowd at school. One day she was going to see her boyfriend, and she walked in on him puffing on a tube like object. She asked him what it was he was doing, and his reply was nothing, just some thing to take the edge off. "He asked her to hit it. At first she was a little scared, but she thought what can it hurt? She tried it, and after the first hit it was like something that she never experienced before, so she wanted more. She cleaned out her bank account to pay for more drugs. Then, she turned to prostitution as a way to make money to feed her growing drug habit. Americans today sometimes get hooked on the quick money that is available from selling Crack Cocaine. Selling these illegal drugs today is a big thing because they are everywhere: on T.V., the radio, and even in school yards. Where ever there is a seller there is a buyer. Some may seek money through other sources like prostitution, and these actions may lead some to Rehab to take control of their lives.
Nevertheless, in today's society Crack Cocaine is the ideal drug. Some may not realize that crack is a powerfully addictive drug. Crack is usually smoked through a tube like object that is made out of glass. Crack has a harder effect on the teen population just because a lot of teens enjoy partying. This statement is back up Opposing viewpoints