Liberation of Africa Was a Major Achievement of the Human Spirit.
By: Andrew • Essay • 330 Words • December 11, 2009 • 1,015 Views
Essay title: Liberation of Africa Was a Major Achievement of the Human Spirit.
Liberation of Africa was a major achievement of the human spirit.
European colonial powers after World War II continued to manipulate and take advantage of African nationalist who were struggling for liberation. Through different types of attacks such as using deadly force, creation of collaborators, psychological manipulation through internalized racism and even the heightening of indigenous divisions, all were used against Africans who tried their hardest to gain a sense of freedom. These types of things were happening all over the continent at the time, from the northern tip of Africa through the central Congo all the way down south, it was almost impossible to avoid a colonial power sent from Europe. In this text I will try to examine how the African Nationalist found strategies against the ever growing European powers in their continuous fight for independence.
Throughout the last century Africa has been a dangerous and savage place. In the Senegal PowerPoint done in class, it was stated that colonization = force + savagery. This does seem accurate when looking back on what European colonies had to do in order to gain colonialism over the African lands. Brutal beatings,