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Life and Times of Che Guevara

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Essay title: Life and Times of Che Guevara

Title of Speech: Life and Times of Che Guevara

Thesis: To inform students on the life and times of Che Guevara


I. Opening that captures audience attention

Imagine a life with no freedom, liberties, or even rights. There would be no pleasures in life what so ever. You may even wonder why life would be worth living. This can all happen due to an oppressive government that takes total control and runs your entire life.

II. Link to the audience

I am sure many of you have felt deprived of certain rights at some point in time. This can include getting grounded by your parents when you were younger or even being put on probation by the judiciaries here at Ohio University. Now imagine having these restrictions in your every day life but many times worse.

III. Speaker credibility statement

So what I would like to do today is to share with you the life of one of the most respected revolutionaries to ever exist, Che Guervara. I have now done endless research on Che and the lasting effects he has had on this world.

IV. Statement of central idea and preview

Che Guevara’s only mission in life was to help others to be free and to get their rights back from oppressive governments. I shall begin with Che’s life before the Cuban revolution. Then, I will proceed to explain Che’s participation in Cuba’s affairs and his life after that. Finally I will explain why Che is now a legend.

Transition statement: Let us start with che’s life prior to his involvement with the Cuban revolution.


I. The life of Che before his revolutionary tendencies was one of a good upbringing and very much traveling.

A. According to Wikipedia,Che was born in Rosario, Argentina on June 14th 1928.

1. He was the oldest of five children and was a mix of Irish and Spanish.

2. His parents, Ernesto Guevara Lynch and Celia de la Serna, came from militaries who participated in various fights for independence.

B. As Che grew older he became curious of the world around him and soon knew all about Argentina by the age of 17 due to his numerous motorcycle trips all over the country.

C. Not long after that his parents broke up and Che went with his brothers to live with his mother where he helped support the family.

D. Che then left for Buenos Aires for college to become a doctor.

E. While still in school he decided to go off on a 10 month journey with his fellow student and political radical Alberto Granado.

1. They went all over South America and ended up volunteering at a leper colony in Peru.

2. Throughout the trip Che narrated his journey in what was called The Motorcycle Diaries which actually turned into a motion picture in 2004.

F. After observing the poverty and oppression he saw on his trip, he decided the only solution was a revolution.

1. He began to develop a concept of having no borders and to be one whole culture.

2. He soon completed his medical studies as quickly as possible so he could continue to travel around South and Central America.

Transition statement: The events and experiences in Che’S life quickly led him to many revolutionary affairs.

II. Now I will explain Che’s involvement in the Cuban revolution and his life after that.

A. Once in Guatemala Che witnessed the Arbenz Government get overthrown by the CIA

1. This strengthened his views on socialism being the only solution for a government, and felt a need to fight.

2. but this was until all foreign supporters were told to leave the country for safety.

B. This is when Che met Fidel Castro who just got exiled from Cuba for his attack on Cuba gone bad.

1. Soon Fidel convinced Che to join an attempt to overthrow the current dictator of Cuba with fellow rebels.

2. The rebellion lasted 3 years

C. On

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