Managing Team Conflicts
By: Andrew • Essay • 546 Words • November 11, 2009 • 1,508 Views
Essay title: Managing Team Conflicts
Managing Team Conflicts
Conflict in itself is not a bad thing. It is an inevitable fact. It is how we deal with these conflicts that dictate a positive or negative resolution. Conflict can be positive in that it opens up different ideas to the group that can result in a better direction. By working towards a resolution teams can end up growing and learning more of each others thoughts and ideas. It can bring people closer together. By the same token it can be negative in its outcome splintering the group.
Of course if you follow the Learning Team Guide you will have addressed the issues of how your team will handle in the Learning Team Charter. By clearly outlining the rules for resolving conflict you will take out any negative or personal feeling that can arise. Because of team dynamics every team charter will be different. People’s differences are what dictate team dynamics. So therefore each group of people together will have a different dynamic than any other group. By having every member of the group agreeing to how the team will resolve conflicts adds to the ease of the resolution of any such conflicts.
Analyzing and Understanding Conflicts
We must first understand what conflicts are before we can resolve them. The team needs to realize the reason for the conflict before they can resolve it. Each team member must analyze his or her own reaction to the conflict and decide were they stand. It is necessary for each member to do this before the other steps in conflict resolution can be completed.
Conflict Resolution Steps
Ralph H. Kilmann and Kenneth W. Thomas, authors of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument, outlined five steps in dealing with conflicts.
a) Avoidance
b) Accommodation
c) Competition
d) Compromise
e) Collaboration
Depending on the importance or size of the conflict it may be better to just avoid it all together or come back to it when the major tasks of the