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Essay title: Marketing

Marketing assignment.

Part A (outcome 1a-d, M 1a-b, M3a-b, D3b)

Produce an extract for a training manual that explains various marketing terms. This manual will be distributed to staff within the organisation to help them understand the importance of marketing.

There are many definitions of marketing but this training manual will only touch on three of them. It will help you understand the differences between the three.

One definition;

“Satisfying customers needs and wants”

(Higher National in business (2005) page 2)

To satisfy customers “needs and wants” a business must supply the product or service in which it is offering to the market.

To satisfy the needs the company must invest time and money to see what a customer wants, in theory the needs and wants are the same but in practice they are two different subjects;

A distinction is frequently made between needs and wants. Our needs make up our survival kit while our wants are the desires we have for need together with all our additional requirements. Most people strive for better conditions for themselves, their family, and sometimes also their community, their nation and the whole world.

The needs of a customer could be different from another or the same customer could need a different product or service and a different time, days, or seasons;

The service we get from Yorkshire water is a need. With out clean water are well being and health would decline. The service also for fills are wants, we want the service of running water all day every day and night (24-7).

What if we did not get the service 24-7?

The service would still for fill are needs but not are wants, it would limit are life style due to the fact that we would have to change the way we live because the water we would need at night would not be running. But because Yorkshire water are a oriented organisation they for fill are want as well as are needs, by giving us the product we need as well as the service we want.

Our business Rixonway Kitchens satisfy the customers “needs and wants” by manufacturing kitchens from raw material and giving additional options from ovens to other appliances.

How did we as a kitchen manufacturer know how or what are market niche wanted?

Yes we make kitchens and we deliver them but how many different specs do we make and how many colours. For sure we could sell just one colour and one spec but are competition would beat us and put us out of business.

That’s were the marketing team comes in, to research on what the customer needs as a basic package of a kitchen that could be from four wall units and five base units, to additional items that we offer like, ovens, taps and sinks.

The needs and wants are different for each individual customer. But the company is a oriented organisation, that uses its recourses not just in the factory but also out side the factory walls, to make and deliver the kitchen to the customer how they need and want it.

But what are the needs and wants?

The needs and wants could be from delivery of the kitchens to appliances, as a business we must create a want for the customer to buy or use the product/service. A customer wants an appliance but we don’t make it what should we say?

Sorry we don’t make them and putting a chance that the customer could go some were else for the product and losing a contract that could be worth a few hundred thousand pounds or say yes and keeping the customer happy and keeping are reputation of a good company.

One of are services we offer to the customers is a want due to the fact that the company was already a successful business before introducing plot order. Plot order is also a good sales pitch for selling are products to potential customers and existing ones too. This service will become a need due to the customers will work around the service. They get kitchens off in whole complete kitchens, if we took the service away and unloaded in away were it was less organised of receiving the products they would complain because there work could become late or even come to a stop due to the fact that they could not work efficiently.

You are a customer at Tesco, they plot bag you’re shopping so when you get home everything you take out goes exactly in order of your kitchen cube boards. If Tesco was the only company that offered that service, would you shop some were else? Highly unlikely, due to it is more efficient

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