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Maxim Magazine January Edition

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Essay title: Maxim Magazine January Edition

Smoke a lot. Drink more of what you have been drinking and try some new stuff. Eat real crappy food. Now go and exercise for ten minutes and soon you will be giving Arnold Swartzenegger a run for his money. Life is good when you are a guy in this day and age, especially when it comes to advertising. Recently I picked up an edition of the latest magazine, Maxim and after reading, starring, and goggling I feel like I have just left a bachelor party.

Ad campaigns that are directed toward the male species believe it or not are constructed very simple: sex, booze, money, and did I mention sex? These are the very basic infrastructures of the male psyche. It is hard to believe that after a million years of evolution, placing a man on the moon, and constructing mile high buildings the basic ingredients to a successful advertisement to entice men to buy can be reduced down to sex or how to get it.

The January edition of MAXIM magazine (Maxim, 1999) that featured the model/actress Shannon Elizabeth in a very skimpy top is very typical of what men want to see. The cover stories included, "Her secret sex fantasy" and "100 women tell you what really turns them on!" Right. I hate to be a skeptic but why would women want to tell me what turn them on especially after they have kept it a secret up until this point, at least that's what my dad says. On the other hand this could be the new Bible for men. The article of course is an advertisement for a book that I can easily purchase for a measly $9.97 plus shipping and handling. The ad instructs me that this is the latest book from Maxim's secret vault and it is so hot that it should be illegal! Illegal? It is also packed with scorching photos that are too hot for them to show! As I read on I am instructed that I will not believe it till I see it! And I must act now to receive a complimentary poster for the first 100 orders. I thought to myself that perhaps they should have offered a free cold shower because that what I needed after I goggled at the ad for a minute or two. This of course is a typical ploy of marketers according to Jeffery Shrank in "Why you buy-how ads persuade"(Shrank, 1994) in which an illustration is made depicting a technique to persuade using buzzwords. By scaring the reader into thinking if they do not act fast or respond quickly they will indeed miss out on the opportunity. In addition to buzzwords that elicit sales another technique is used in this particular advertisement and that is of an emotional need. These ads do play on the emotional insecurities of men. Just think of meeting women and pleasing them like never before, they will want tell their friends about you and you will never be without a date again. The funny thing is that despite this blatant attempt to appeal to men's insecurities we still buy into it. Maybe the bright side is that we can always claim stupid and we never knew any better. I am sure that the women in the audience will believe it.

The next advertisement that I came across was one for GMC trucks. It pictured a red truck just oozing testosterone: big tires, four-wheel drive, k.c. lights, and a v-8 engine. If God were driving a truck this would be it. Of course the ad read, "100% TRUCK. 2% Nuclear submarine. Well, I am not one to chant and brag about my mathematical skills, but how does this ad up? The ad continues to read, "the new GMC does not drive underwater or float. This full-size pick-up works purely on land. What we did take from the sea is a little technology. Under the hood you'll find a 270-horsepower Vortec V8 engine. It is cooled by a fan designed with some of the same technology used to design the propellers found on the most advanced nuclear submarines. If we put this much into the engine, imagine the rest of the truck". Where do I start? First of all, the use of an association between a nuclear submarine and a truck is to me a first, but maybe there is a connection? Apparently the ad would lead one to believe that the new technology used on submarines is being applied to trucks. This tie in demonstrates that "weasel" words are used quite frequently among advertisers to appear to make a claim for a product when in fact they are making no claim at all (Lutz, 1990). The advertisement above contains a few of these claims to make an unsubstantiated claim that the truck and the nuclear submarine share similar design and that must directly translate into nuclear power under the hood and can be accessed by simply placing your foot on the accelerator. This ad also uses a an expressive style of language to exaggerate the potential power of this truck, it is very effective style to tempt any man that same power that cave men felt when they discovered fire.

The next ad in this…magazine is a double page advertisement directed to the healthy endeavor of smoking. This

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