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Media Influence

By:   •  Essay  •  798 Words  •  December 12, 2009  •  1,336 Views

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Essay title: Media Influence

What ever happened to the good old days when things were much simpler and people were much happier? Well those good old days are long gone. In today’s modern society people are told exactly what to do from how they should look to what they should drive. It is nearly impossible for one to avoid this media propaganda in day-to-day life. Everyday that we wake up to go to work or school media and corporate advertisements become part of our daily life. It has become a constant influence and “brainwashing” in daily life. We have become addicts to this media driven world and our side effect is depression for people can no longer think for themselves and have become lost. With all that being said the real target to this propaganda is young adults and teenagers. This media influence on teens is demonstrated through body image, peer/media pressure and sexual misconduct.

A teenager’s image is the most important thing to them. In order to be seen by the opposite sex a teen must have that so-called “sex appeal” or “fashion sense”. Large fashion corporations and celebrities, such as 50 cent, are the ones responsible for what teen’s wear. As a result of celebrities like 50 cent every young adolescent boy in North America wants to portray a “thug” like image. The “thug” image is a replication of prison clothing. When a criminal is in jail they wear clothing that is a “one size fits all”. Teens attempt to re-create this prison image by wearing their clothes in a loose fashion as well. A teenager not only has to worry about what to wear, but they also have to worry about how they’re going to look in it. No teenager wants to wear a muscle shirt or low cut jeans when they feel as though their over weight or have no definition to their body. As a result of body image obsession, teens all around the world join health clubs in an attempt to achieve the same “runway” fashioned body. This false image of beauty causes teenagers to be more prone to eating disorders than any other age group around the world for they have to deal with the scrutiny of being over weight amongst peers.

Teenagers not only have to worry about their image but they also have to deal with the seductive ways of peer pressure. From the beginning of time we humans have constantly fallen victim to the seductive ways of peer pressure. The very first form of peer pressure in human history is seen when Adam & Eve were pressured into eating from the tree of knowledge. Everyday teenagers have to make a decision when faced with peer pressure. Such forms of peer pressure that teens deal with daily are tobacco abuse, illicit drugs, and most commonly alcohol abuse. In today’s society teenagers are not only influenced by their peers into doing these substances, but most importantly

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