By: Top • Essay • 873 Words • December 5, 2009 • 1,256 Views
Essay title: Metamorphosis
Kafka titles 'The Metamorphosis' such for more than one reason. Metamorphosis, by definition, means to change and there are many changes in the story. The obvious change was that Gregor Samsa was changed into a bug, but this change was not only effected him but the outside world too, especially his family.
In the first page of the story we learn that Gregor Samsa has been changed into a large cockroach-like bug, " When Gregor Samsa awoke from troubled dreams one morning, he found that he had been transformed in his bed into an enormous bug." (pg. 1) At first Gregor Samsa was startled by this discovery and thought it was all a dream, " 'What if I went back to sleep for another while and forget about all this foolishness?' " Then Gregor Samsa begins to realize that in fact he was changed into a bug, which did not really phase him. The next thoughts that went through his head were that he was late for work and that he was supposed to catch a train at five but missed it and that he had to get into work, all the while he was a bug! Gregor Samsa was working as a traveling salesman, which he hated, " 'what a strenuous
profession I've chosen! Traveling day in and day out...I'm subjected to this torment of traveling, to the worried about train connections, the bad means at irregular hours, an intercourse with people that constantly changes, never lasts, never becomes cordial' " Not only does Gregor Samsa hate his job but he hates his boss as well, " I would have quit long ago; I would have walked up to the boss and let my heart out to him..That's a peculiar habit of his, too, sitting on his desk and talking down to his employees from up above..." Gregor Samsa would love to quit his job and do something he loves but he is trapped because it is his responsibility to pay off his parent's debt and support the family.
When Gregor Samsa changed into a bug it effects his family almost more than it does him. In the beginning of the story Gregor Samsa's family does not work, they rely on Gregor Samsa to provide for them. After the change his family is forced to begin working again and Gregor Samsa's already stressful relationship with his father is worsened by the fact that he needs to go back to work because his son turned into a bug. His family ( with the exception of his sister), for a long time refuses to see Gregor Samsa because they are afraid of him. His sister undertakes the task of giving Gregor Samsa food and helping him in whatever ways she can. His mother tried to help but she fainted because of the horrible sight she was forced to see. Gregor Samsa also has quite an impact on the outside world. The Samsa family normally had a cleaning lady come to clean their house, but since Gregor Samsa's change no cleaning lady would stick around because of the giant bug living in their room. Gregor Samsa also gave quite a scare to his boss, the chief