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Microbology Term Paper

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Essay title: Microbology Term Paper

For my paper I have chosen to write about the Disease of the Reproductive system. For my choices I have chosen neissera gonorrhea for my bacterium, hepatitus B as my virus and trichomonas as my eukaryote. This subject is on that need to be talked about for the younger generation, like my self. These 3 deasies are just a very basic start to the world of sexually transmited dieases and the terable side effects that can be caused by iresponible aduts or just uneducated adults. STD are a growing epidemic in the world with the ease of spread, there are mass expousure to what should be a relative non existient problem. The avability of protection and the use of protection are 2 very avabile iteams yet it is something that is not used and and it is sad, something that has a chance to be prevented is not.

There are more than 30 bacterial, viral and parasitic dieases have been identified as sexually transmitted.(Tortora,Funk,Case745). Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) cause over $7 billion to be expended for treatment. STDs can affect the sex partners, fetus, and newborn infants.

STDs are grouped into three categories, Category One

STDs that produce inflammation of the urethra, epididymis, cervix, or oviducts. STDs in this category can be treated and cured with antibiotics, once diagnosed. Category Two ars STDs that produce sores on the external genitals. Category Three. In This class of STDs includes viral diseases that affect organ systems other than those of the reproductive system.

In most cases the human reproduction tract is a secure sterial environment, with microbes that coexist within these tracts. Urine is sterial with in the body and becomes infected usually at the urethra opening. The constant normal environment in females causing a health environment, without infection, yet when the environment has been altered the ph becomes acidic and then the growing begins.

For my Disease, Bacterium I chose to research and discuess Neisseria gonorrhea. Neisseria gonorrhea was first discorved in 1879 by Dr. Albert Neissier.It was given it name during the 150 ad from Galen, who discovered the symptoms, gon=seman and rrhea mean folw from. It is a easly identified organism with pairs of gram-negative, kidney shaped diplococci, witch are often intercellular with there surfaces slightly concaved.

Nessissera gonorrhea is also called gonococcus or diplococcus. Gonorrhea is an acute infection of the epithelium of the urethra, cervix, rectum, pharynx, or eyes that may lead to Bacteremia and result in metastatic complaction(Berkow 254).

Signs and symptoms for gonorrhea in men if they exhibit an has a Incubation period of 2-14 days. Onset is usually marked bymild discomfort in the urethra, followed by Dysuria with a dischatge with a increase of urgency and frequency of urination as the diease spreads through he urethra. It also can display a greenish yellow discharges from the peinus with some swelling and redness of the gland.

Woman’s Symptoms start to show there ugly head in 7-21 days, With sympyoms being milder in most cases, yet some woman exhibit more severe infections.There is a increase in unairy frequency and dysuria with a Discharge resulting the same as the Men. Gonorrhea in Femals seams to infect the deeper sexual organs including the cervix,uterus and the fallopian tubes and the urethera canal. In some cases in Females and homosexually rectal gonorrhea is frequent.It is commonly symptom less with women, some Perianal distress and rectal discharge is seen.

Gonococcal infections are sexual and perinatal transmission through direct contact of mucosal inoculation during vaginal, anal, or oral sexual contact or by the inseration of fingers or other objects. (Behrman)

Medical therapy requires an antibiotic to battle N gonorrhoeae. Until a few years ago, the treatment of choice involved medication for up to 10 days or an injection.with modern medications they are allowing in-office, single-dose oral treatment to overcome poor patient compliance.(Bherman) Some of those medications are Cefixime (Suprax), Ceftriaxone (Rocephin), Ciprofloxacin (Cipro), Ofloxacin (Floxin), Spectinomycin (Trobicin), Erythromycin (E-Mycin). For control measures it is simple condoms, condoms, condoms, this simple latex wrap with the proper use of it is the major and safest protection to prevent this disease.(Behrman)

For the Mortality/Morbidity aspect of this disease, are relativity small if the symptoms are caught early. The most common long-term sequelae of gonorrhea are chronic pelvic pain in women after PID, septic abortion, chorioamnionitis in pregnancy, blindness after neonatal or adult conjunctivitis, and infertility of either sex. Ectopic pregnancy is a complication that may follow scarring of the female upper reproductive tract. and Disseminated infection may lead to meningitis or endocarditic.(Behrman)

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