Monthly Environmental Article Response Sheet
By: Jack • Study Guide • 2,001 Words • December 16, 2009 • 1,222 Views
Essay title: Monthly Environmental Article Response Sheet
Monthly Environmental Article Response Sheet
Name Parul Jain Date December 3rd
Author(s) [1]: none given
Article Date [1]: none given
Source of publication [1]:
[1] 1. My reason for selecting this article was because I find it interesting to learn about the solar products and things that are relative to that.
[1] 2. What is the primary focus perspective of this article? (Scientific, governmental, legal, social, political, or something else) Explain.
The primary focus perspective of this article is a social article because its about how different locations/ societies used solar power to help there civilizations.
[1] 3. Is the issue(s) discussed in this article relevant to a town, county, state, region, country, global, etc.? Explain.
The issue that is discussed in this article is relevant to global ness, because solar energy saves power everywhere in the country.
[2] 4. What is the primary environmental concern of this article (i.e. atmosphere, geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere or use the list of environmental problems from the Council of Wise Ones to help)?
The primary environmental concern of this article is to save chemical energy, and use solar energy instead. It's better for the environment and for the humans living on it.
[2] 5. Cross-reference #3 and #4 and determine if any pattern(s) are evident. For example, are certain types of environmental problems more widespread geographically?
Yes, solar energy not being used enough is a global problem. Not enough countries and places are using solar energy yet.
6. [2] A. State an unanswered or unknown question relevant to this article.
Do you think that solar energy will become our main source of energy by the year 2045?
[2] B. Describe how a scientist might go about answering that question or solving that problem.
A scientist might go about answering that question by recording the rate of solar energy being used, and performing calculations to seeing how much of an increase it is every year, and then seeing how far it would be till we can get solar energy to be our main source of energy.
C. Briefly describe an experimental design that could attempt to answer that question or solve that problem by stating:
[2] a. The hypothesis:
I think that solar energy may become the main source of energy by the year 2045
[2] b. The independent variable:
the years going by would be the independent variable
[2] c. The dependent variable:
the amount of solar energy use gain would be the dependent variable.
[2] d. The controls
the earth, and the measure mental units of solar energy
[2] e. A brief description of the procedure:
find past data on solar energy progress, and record and see how the pattern goes. Calculate if it is progressing positive or negative. If negative then you know solar energy wont be the main source in the year 2045, but if it is positive you know you can further study your data and see if it can be the main source of energy by 2045.
[2] D. What equipment or technology would be needed?
A computer and calculator would be needed to accomplish this experiment.
[3] 7. Attach a copy of the article with this sheet.
The Thermonuclear Sun is our maternal star. It is responsible for photosynthesis and life. All the food we eat is yesterday's sunshine! The universe is cold. If it weren't for solar energy, the earth would be a frozen, dark rock. The wind from the sun powered Christopher Columbus' ship. All buildings use passive solar energy on a sunny winter day.
The hot Sun gives light and life. It is an inexhaustible