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Mrm Case Study Analysis

By:   •  Case Study  •  1,690 Words  •  December 18, 2009  •  1,301 Views

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Essay title: Mrm Case Study Analysis

This research is targeting the population which are citizens eligible

to vote, in this case above the age of 18. There are a mix of

Qualitative and quantitative research. About 8 focus groups of sizes

Between 6-8 will be conducted at the electoral commission. A couple

Of depth interviews will be conducted. The profile of these participants

Are citizens eligible to vote. They are picked at random. These research

Methods provide a rich insight to the research problem.

On the other hand, quantitative research is as important as qualitative research.

Telephone surveys, mail surveys as well as online surveys are the different

surveys methods used. The sample size is very large and intends to have a

good representation of the voting public. Random digit dialing and lists of

addresses are used as the sampling strategy.

The findings of this research intends to answer of internet voting is effective and

a good alternative voting method in the sense that it reduces the costs of public

elections but at the same time be reliable and credible. The total cost of implementing

this proposal is averaging to about AU$ 121785. The study should take no

more than 3 months to complete

Previous research literature on this issue shows a couple of key findings that are crucial to this research. It is important to know the costs of previous elections. The background paper shows that the previous election cost more than $95 million. There has been no previous trials on internet voting anywhere in Australia. In the United States, there have been concerns that internet voting brings about racial discrimination. Further concerns have arisen about home voting via the internet as for the security concerns. Another key note for this research is that certain segments of this population have been identified as perceiving the internet as threatening.

The purpose of this report is to gather more information on internet voting and to review if it a credible and reliable alternative method to the current manual voting. The issue here is reducing costs of public elections. This research intends to find out if internet voting will actually reduce the costs of public election and whether it will be effective. The research objectives stated earlier intend to gather more information to aid in this study.

The use of the internet as an alternative voting method, in the aim of reducing costs of public elections, is the research issue or the research problem. The objectives of this research proposal are to determine the attitudes and feelings of the population eligible to vote towards internet voting as well as their intentions of adopting this particular method. This proposal intends to find out the the segment or the percentage of the population that is unable to use the internet to vote for various reasons. In addition, the research proposal looks into the advantages and disadvantages for the stakeholders involved; government, voters & the electoral commission. Another research objective is to determine the most effective communication channel if the proposal were to go through. The last objective for this research is to find the time and cost of implementing this proposal.

This model shows the relationship between marketing activity and marketing effect. The hypothetico-deductive model comprises of Independent variables, dependant variable, intervening variables and moderating variable. Independent variables (IVs) are under the control of marketers while a change in an IV will result in a change in level of the dependant variable (DV). Moderating variables interact with the marketing effort and can alter the strength of the IV-DV relationship. Moderating variables are beyond the control of marketers. Intervening variables help to explain the IV-DV process. These variables cannot be manipulated by the marketer.

Independant variables (IV)

Increase awareness of internet voting

2.Increase accessibility to the internet (affordable or free wireless internet connection)

3.Improve internet voting knowledge among the voting population


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