Multinational Enterprises and M&as in India
By: Steve • Essay • 275 Words • November 29, 2009 • 1,184 Views
Essay title: Multinational Enterprises and M&as in India
RIS DP# 5-2000
Multinational Enterprises and M&As in India:
Patterns and Implications
Nagesh Kumar
Version: 1.1
June 2000
Published in
Economic and Political Weekly, 35, 5 August 2000: 2851-8
Research and Information System for Non-aligned and other Developing Countries,
Zone 4B, Fourth Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road, New Delhi-11003, India
Phone: 468 2175; Fax: 468 2173;
This paper is a part of a larger ongoing work on investment and competition policy at
the Research and Information System for Developing Countries, New Delhi. An
earlier version was presented at the Workshop on Cross-border M&As and Sustained
Competitiveness in Asia organized by UNCTAD in Bangkok on 9-10 March 2000. I
have benefited from discussions with Dr V.R. Panchamukhi and from the comments
of participants. Dr. P.L. Beena helped in preparation of the dataset for this paper. The
usual disclaimer applies.
Multinational Enterprises and M&As in India:
Patterns and Implications
1. Introduction
Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) have become increasingly important