Music for Love
By: Andrew • Essay • 901 Words • December 13, 2009 • 1,096 Views
Essay title: Music for Love
Based on selective readings it appears there are many concerns within the African American community. Some of these concerns are the disregard for children and elders, lack of positive relationships between gender, black-on-black crime, and disunity. The African American community is well aware of these issues, however, when the worst of these are exposed; the Caucasian community uses this information to confirm their pre-conceived stereotypes. Many writers and comics completely avoid revealing such discussion to avoid ridicule and criticism. Recently, there have been a number of black writers who have suffered significant and unforgiving attacks by other African Americans because they dared to wonder into this heretofore susceptible territory. As a result, it is evident that these African American writers who ignore the criticism and ridicule to endeavor down the path of publishing these sensitive issues or make statements acknowledging these unpleasant truths about African American life, culture, and history run a great risk of wrongfully being accused of racial treason.
In the Webster’s dictionary treason is defined as: “Betrayal of ones country to an enemy” (Webster 629). When racial is placed in front of the word treason, the meaning unveils a completely different connotation. It means that one is betraying their own race.
One of the many authors who have been ridiculed of his decision to venture down the path to publish works of the African American lifestyle was Nathan McCall. Nathan McCall is an author who has been on both sides of the betrayal controversy. He received numerous critics for his autobiography Makes Me Wanna Holler. The memoir documents the life of a young black man in America who grew up as a student on honor roll in a middle-class neighborhood. In attempts to be socially accepted, and have respect in a violence driven community he begins traveling down the wrong path. He demonstrates a lack of respect for women and grows an obsession for guns. The book explains how many African American men drop out of school, eventually leading them to low wage jobs and more then likely ending up in prison.
An important issue McCall illustrates in his autobiography is the mistreatment and misrepresentation of African American women. He states many African American men continue to nourish misrepresentations and young boys are taught to demean women by identifying them with vulgar names. He also illustrates how young men are raised being taught women do not deserve respect. In addition, he puts across the point of how men view women’s bodies; he explains how men perceive women as a game:
Corner conversations helped shaped our views about women, love, and sex. The old-heads said there was no place for love in a real mans life. The pursuit of bitches was a macho game. The object was to “get the pussy” without giving love. If a guy was able to do that, he won the game. If he fell for a bitch, developed genuine feelings for her, he lost. Whenever one of the fellas acted like he was down for a heartfelt, monogamous relationship, the old-heads made me feel that he should be ashamed of himself. “Aw, niggah,