My Mother
By: Mike • Essay • 704 Words • November 20, 2009 • 1,163 Views
Essay title: My Mother
A Person who has made a difference in my life would be my mother. My mother is a young mother; she got pregnant at 15 and had my oldest sister when she was 16. Then she had me and then my youngest sister by the time she was 20. She was married to my father until she was 20 and was a single mother up until last year. She has made a huge impact on my life as well as my sister’s. She had to finish high school and she did that, then she went on to college and has 3 degrees and has a great job. She never let us go without anything. She worked and went to college and had to take care of us three girls. I know this was very hard for her to do, but she always did her best and always made it look so easy. She never let us see her sad when times were hard for us.
She never had any help from family or my dad’s family either. It was always just my mother and us three girls. She is my best friend and I want to be a mother and a person just like her. She has taught me good values in my life and she has taught me to be a caring person. She doesn’t talk negative about people, she always tells me to find the good in people. She has taught my sisters and I all the tools in life that we need to have a good future. She has taught us how to cook all different kinds of foods, and she has taught us how to clean, do laundry, wash dishes, and all other household duties.
I have very good memories of my mother when I was a little girl. She would come home from work every night and make dinner for us and we would all sit down at the table and talk about what happened throughout the day. After dinner she would help us with our schoolwork and she would read a book to us every night. Every night after she read to us, she would give us all a big hug and a kiss and tell us she loved us. Every morning she would tell us to have a good day. She also would have our clothes picked out for us and have it laid out on the end of our beds. She has