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New Account

By:   •  Essay  •  379 Words  •  December 22, 2009  •  1,018 Views

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Essay title: New Account

In monopolies, the company controls a product in its entirety. There are both good sides and bad sides to a monopoly. Until recently there was a monopoly on waste disposal in North West Arkansas. Waste Management was in sole control of the pick up of dumpsters and personal trash in our area. Now the local government has opened that monopoly up to free enterprise, so that now the public has the right to choose whom they wish to regulate their trash disposal and can decide on what they want based on service, cost or whatever other reasons that they choose the company they wish. The same has been seen with Microsoft when they where forced to open up and split there monopoly so that things could be more affordable and people had more choices in what they could use for there computer systems.

Media is a free enterprise where anyone can have access to the free flow of information that is available to them. We have come to rely on media in order obtain the bulk of our information to what is going on around us and in our communities as well as abroad. The problem with media although it has been open to a free monopoly is that we are still restricted by government regulations and to what is seen and what can not be seen. I have

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