Nursing Research
By: Andrew • Essay • 255 Words • December 1, 2009 • 898 Views
Essay title: Nursing Research
Cristalgale Goursahab
NUR 215
Research Symposium Reaction Paper
The research symposium we attended was really interesting, I know this is the type of work we will be doing soon in one of our future nursing classes. Dr. Bernadette Curry introduced the work done by one of her past students, Dr. Dianne Morrison-Beedy. Dr. Morrison-Beedy explained to us her experiment groups and the purpose of her program. I thought the idea of her program is very unique, and at the same time community involving. She explained randomized controlled trials and how they are designed to test cause and effect, but also how they are the strongest evidence to change or improve practice. When I tried thinking about how this applies to nursing practice, I realized that as nurse we work one to one with patients and when we keep up with the latest technology and treatments, we are enhancing the lives of others. I think