Ny Salaries
By: Anna • Study Guide • 378 Words • December 1, 2009 • 783 Views
Essay title: Ny Salaries
As we can see, most states spend just over $5,000 per peson and NY is spending
about 8 500 pe person. New York is spending a great amount compared to most of the
states except new Jersey.
( lable new York)
Again we see New York as the second largest spending state in the boxplot of Dollars per
Pupil. To the right is a boxplot of the population in 1,000's. Even though New Jersey is the
top spender per person in the long run New york still spends more then NJ in general be cause
NYhas about 17,990( in thousands) people to pay for. This is not the
case with CA because NY
spends more per pserson but CA has more people to pay for and this is the reason CA pays
more in the long-run. ( CA= * NY is the second dot in both boxplots)
We will lable them but Im just letting so we know what to lable.
As we can see NY's Government salary is the biggest of all the states but does not pay the
teachers the most because
as we see CN pays the most out of all the states even though
the government salary is under 80,000. There seems to be a reason for this and it is explained
in the second dotlot. CN have much less