By: Yan • Essay • 832 Words • December 12, 2009 • 748 Views
Essay title: Obeservations
My Comfort Zone
Small. Secluded. Cozy. Here I sit, in the mood light. Productivity at an all time high. There is
but a whisper of the water pump whirring away, almost as if singing a mono-noted song. The air
is still, and peaceful. The lightness of aromas allow me to give full concentration to my work.
The mouse clicks. The keyboard ticks. The CD drive spins up, slows down, and goes silent.
The words pour forth from my brain, and appear in radiant colors upon the screen. The door
upstairs opens, footsteps, the door closes. I turn in my chair, get up, walk across the smooth tiled
floor, move the curtain, and step threw the half sized door beneath the stairs. My wife meets me
at the top of the steps. “I’m home”. Oh well, I can always finish my work tomorrow.
The Dark Corner
Small. Dark. Cramped. I am slumped in a chair, in what little light comes from the table lamp
on the other side of the musty curtain, I stare at an antiquated, barely working, dinky little
monitor. How can anyone get any work done in the basement, in the closet under the stairs?
The water pump kicks on. THUD. WHIRRRRRR. THUD. The fishtank bubbles again, this
time louder than ever before. Then quietly, totally random each time. I could almost smell that
fishtank, if it weren’t for the staleness of the air. Probably caused by the bare concrete walls. No
air moves here. If only there was a window. Wait, back to work. Its time for a new mouse, this
one is like a brick, it doesn’t roll anymore. Push, pick, drop. Damn mouse anyways. I’ll have to
use this loud keyboard. Click, click, tick tick.... If I type slow enough, I can drown out the old
clock. Wait, That’s not what time it is. Battery must of died. Can’t blame it. I would too. The
upstairs door creaks is creaking open. It needs to be oiled or something. Must be the wife
coming home... I guess I had better stop working. Why is this floor so cold? It’s the end of June.
Ouch, damn it. Who the hell had the great idea of putting a half sized door in here? So, its
going to be late, I can finish it tomorrow, I have to go see how much money my wife spent.
What I did. I wrote the same nightly routine, one after a good day at work. One on a Monday
after work. Its amazing how much of a difference your mood can have on which angle of vision
you use.
Strat1: The first three one word sentences. That states my intended effect directly.