Operational Business Plan of an Oriental Food Shop
By: Venidikt • Essay • 431 Words • November 30, 2009 • 1,363 Views
Essay title: Operational Business Plan of an Oriental Food Shop
Operational business plan of an oriental food shop
1. Introduction
Recent year witnessed an increasing number of Asian students, especially Chinese students, came into Loughborough for studying. The expenditure on oriental food can be seen as a kind of necessary daily expense for these students. Additionally, with the increase awareness towards oriental food and products, more and more local people or the people who comes from western countries would like to buy some food, tea or gifts in oriental food shops. The existing oriental retailers in Loughborough are primary an Oriental Food Shop in Baxter gate street, a post office in Derby road and a booth in Student Union every Friday. Customers normally went to there when they had clear demands on what they need and specially arranged time to there because inconvenient access location. Therefore, I am going to open a convenient store, called Miss. Oriental, in Loughborough town centre and sell oriental food. This plan is going to draw out a mission statement concerning the format and concept of this store, an environmental analysis and planning towards how I am going to manage this store in terms of supplier chain, inventory, merchandising, market growth, etc.
2. Mission statement
Miss. Oriental is a convenience store, aims to provide oriental food, especially Chinese food to the customers who need them. Its target market consists of all Asian people who live or study in Loughborough and the people who are interest in oriental food. Basing on marker demands, it primarily provides five assortments of products:
п‚І Sauce and Seasoning; such as soy sauce, chili sauce, Chinese red pepper, etc.
п‚І Cook