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Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts

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Essay title: Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts

Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts

Organizational Behavior is a complex study of the behaviors that place within workplace organizations. The impact of this study has been rather significant on the operations of all types of businesses in our current society. What is Organizational Behavior, and how is it impacting the way we operate our businesses? What are the key concepts that we must all recognize in order to remain successful? How can we utilize these key factors and increase our success as business owners and operators? How much of an impact are issues such as diversity, communication, effectiveness and efficiency, and Organizational learning having on the behavior of employees and consumers alike in business? All of these questions need to be considered when utilizing this study of human behavior as a tool to develop a better workplace.

Organizational Behavior

Organizational behavior is the study of the way human beings interact in their workplace as individuals or in groups. Organizational behavior is a multidisciplinary field devoted to understanding individual and group behavior, interpersonal processes, and organizational dynamics (Schermerhorn, 2005; Hunt, 2005; Osborn, 2005; Organizational Behavior, 2005). This study is vital to the success of modern day businesses based on the growing acceptance of operating businesses with more diverse and culturally integrated workplaces. There has been a significant increase in these diversified workplaces so there is an immediately demand in the need to understand and adapt to the new face of our workplace. At Avis Rent a Car, there is no specific "group" or race of individuals that are employed at any of the current operating locations, therefore as managers; we must adapt our skills and abilities to encompass a broader variety of behaviors.

Organizational Culture

The fact that an Organization is defined as a collection of people working together in a division of labor to achieve a common purpose (Schermerhorn, 2005; Hunt, 2005; Osborn, 2005; Organizational Behavior, 2005) clearly defines why it is so important to have the ability to drive these groups of people to work as a finely tuned machine. Without organization, it is impossible to have a team work towards a common goal. If factors such as different races, cultures, religions, and beliefs come in to play; it is necessary to have structure to mend some of the gaps created by our differences in order to meet the goals set by the organization. It is necessary to create an environment with shared values and beliefs in order to influence the behavior of individuals to meet the greater needs of the company. At Avis Rent a Car, the company policies and Core Values serve as a good basis for organizing that basic structure. The Core Values specify what the minimum requirements for each employee is based on their work group. The Core Values also is very clear about which behaviors are not acceptable in the work place so that everyone has an understanding of which infractions will result in immediate disciplinary action. All employees at Avis Rent a Car are held accountable to the same set of rules and suffer the same consequences for violating those rules. The union contract is also an example of Organizational Culture for Avis Rent a Car in San Diego, CA. The contract is very specific about benefits and rights that every employee is entitled to and this gives the company a good stance for consistency.

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