Original Writing Script - Create a Story & Characters
By: Wendy • Essay • 767 Words • November 10, 2009 • 1,476 Views
Essay title: Original Writing Script - Create a Story & Characters
[[ The scene opens with a boy in bed and his mother enters ]]
Mother: Come on Son, rise and shine..
[[ She opens his curtains ]]
Boy: I don't want to go... you know what it's like
[[ The mother sits on the end of the bed ]]
Mother: [Exhales] Danny, look, it is going to be hard and some people will find it difficult to forgive you but you've only got 2 years left! You can't let this get in the way of your education..
Danny: Fine, I'm up. Just don't expect me to be happy
Mother: You will in time Son, you will in time
[[ The mother exits and Danny reaches into his bedside drawer and pulls out a photo and smiles ]]
Danny: I guess you were worth it
[[ Danny places the photo back in the drawer and exits the room. The scene cuts to a school common room full of students and four girls are sat around a circular table talking]]
Stacy: I know, I can't believe she did that, she is SUCH a whore
Michaela: I can't believe she cried afterwards!
Stacy: Well it was her cousin!
[[ The girls erupt into laughter and the room is abuzz with chat , Danny enters and the rooms falls silent. Danny begins to walk towards the corridor and people whisper and stare as he walks ]]
Stacy: What do you think you're doing?
Danny: Trying to get to class
Stacy: Was that a joke? Are you trying to joke with me?
Danny: I am trying to get on with my life.. you should try to do the same
[[ Stacy slaps Danny across the face and Danny simply breaths in ]]
Danny: Finished? Good.
[[ Danny goes to walk towards to corridor again but Stacy grabs his arm. His friend, Alexis stands up and gets in the middle of them both ]]
Alexis: Hey, leave him alone
Stacy: Why are you defending him, he's scum
Alexis: He's my friend
Stacy: And he was mine too... emphasis on the was
Alexis: You were not good for him anyway. You're just another rich little bitch trying to manipulate everyone around her
Stacy: And you're a pathetic little girl who is going to get a slap if she doesn't move out the way
Danny: Guys, stop fighting..
Stacy & Alexis: Shut up
Stacy: You know what Alexis, defend him all you like but you better watch your back. He's poison. Girls, we're leaving.
[[ Stacy and her 3 friends exit and Danny turns to Alexis ]]
Danny: Thanks
Alexis: Are you ok?
Danny: Hmm, guess this is the life of a Social Pariah..
Alexis: It's nothing less than you deserve, Danny
[[ Alexis turns to leave ]]
Danny: Alexis wait, I thought we were friends?
Alexis: I am not your friend. I just don't like her. And no matter how much I don't like her, nobody deserved