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Patient’s Right to Die

By:   •  Essay  •  456 Words  •  November 19, 2009  •  1,172 Views

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Essay title: Patient’s Right to Die

Patient’s Right To Die

In each day that God gives is another opportunity to live your best life. Making peace with yourself and others, fulfilling dreams and aspirations, and reaching self actualization. Who and how is it decided for a patients right to die? Do we abide by living wills and carry out the wishes of a person who may declare with a stable mind, that in the event something devastating took place that he/she would rather their life come to an end? Should that be a patient right to decide? If so, would the patient be requesting that another commits murder?

I strongly believe that “NO MAN” has the right t to decide the fate of another mans life. Who are we to play the role of God? I very well respect the wishes of those who choose DNR’s (do not resuscitate). In order to be resuscitated, your life must have already ended due to a any factor of unusual stressors to the body. However, I have a hard time trying to digest the idea of pulling the plug on a person. If an individual has a pulse and is breathing there are still positive possibilities regardless of time. Just as there are if you would with resuscitating a person.

In view of things, pulling the plug on a living breathing soul is murder. Plain and simple. If we are not God we mustn’t personally decide when someone should die. If we do than I’m afraid that we have become murderers. I can remember working

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