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Persuasion Essay: Bring the Soldiers Home

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Essay title: Persuasion Essay: Bring the Soldiers Home

Persuasion Essay: Bring the soldiers home

The United States have stood as a world leader for the last century and have involved itself as a key participant in many of the wars that have arisen throughout the centuries. Even though America is considered as a greatest nation, it cannot escape the September 11, one of the days of the most shocking destruction and overwhelming event in the United States. The trading centers in New York known as the “Two Towers” had been deliberately crashed into by two hijacked suicide aircrafts. Because of clear evidence that these suicidal attacks were arranged by the country of Afghanistan, the Bush Administration declared war with the nation any nations harboring such hideous acts. Ever since the battle started, thousands and thousands of soldiers, men and women both, had been shipped to the foreign country; thousands of live have been lost and billions of dollars were spent and it seem like these numbers continue to escalate. The question that rises in people’s mind is, is it all really worth it? Many support the decision of war, but I think otherwise.

The main objectives to declare war in Afghanistan is to provide security for the people residing in America and to prevent future terrorism acts, but what about the security and protection for our soldiers? Since the combat, many lives of our friends, neighbors, and loved ones’ have been lost in the horrific battlefield and the number of casualties still maintain at a high level. Not only that, the quantity of injured troops is rising rapidly like the price of gasoline during the hurricane evacuation of Rita. There is not a day goes by that the media does broadcast the lost of a falling troop; more so, newscast announced that possibly more than a million innocent Iraqis have

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